Chapter 166

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Chapter 166

After being "lingering" in the supermarket for more than half a month, Hamm finally left with his own caravan in a mighty way.

It's just that this time he only took away the goods that had been ordered. As for the lamp, he had to wait until he had raised enough money to pick it up.

As for how he raised money, it was beyond Ye Zhou's thinking.

Stan is leaving two weeks earlier than Hamm. He is only here to pick up the goods he ordered before. He will buy new ones when the goods are sold out. After all, most of his money has been used to build the manor, and he has to wait for the funds to return. Only then can you continue to buy.

After they left, the supermarket returned to its former desertedness.

The dwarves and goblins living in the town have already started bartering, and occasionally go to the human race for some money.

They only go to the supermarket to buy daily necessities and agricultural tools and seeds. They have a natural awe of the supermarket.

But just because the supermarket is big enough, they have never seen such a large building, and it does not conform to their perception of "residence" or storefront.

For example, the castle, although it is big, but they will not be in awe, because the castle is built of stones, and they can clearly see from the walls how a wall is built with stones, but the supermarket is not, they can't see what material it is , but it is so big that it cannot be blown down by the wind and cannot be drenched by the rain.

If they can't enter the supermarket, they won't enter the supermarket.

Even the farmers nearby are the same.

People are afraid of new things, things that they have never seen before, things that don't look like their own class.

However, to Ye Zhou's surprise, some people have already bought real estate in the town. They buy relatively dilapidated houses, and then find someone to buy materials to repair them, which can save a lot of money.

A few Terran families even moved in.

Ye Zhou even asked Feng Ling to inquire about it.

Feng Ling is now Ye Zhou's eyes and ears in the town. She is actually not a person who looks easy to get along with, because the scar on her face, the effect of that scar is the same as the effect of modern tattoos, no matter how the person is , People's first reaction is that this person must not be messed with.

But here, Feng Ling puts on prosthetic makeup every day, and she can't see the scar at all. In addition, she is not tall, and her figure is even a little thin, so she won't make people feel threatened, so her relationship with various races is different. good.

As for Cao'er - she took Sarah around every day recently.

But Ye Zhou didn't say anything about her. He felt sorry for Sarah and wanted to make up for the childhood that Sarah missed.

"They said it was because of the fight between the businessmen and the goblins." Feng Ling also felt a little magical, "They thought that if anything happened in the town, the goblins would lead them, and they would be safe." Ye Zhou: "

... It's really..."

He couldn't help laughing: "Avoid advantages and avoid disadvantages."

Feng Ling also laughed: "They didn't dare to come here before, because they were afraid that this town would be the same as the previous town."

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