Chapter 85

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Chapter 85

The slaves were busy building their own houses. There were most trees in the woods. Although they were at a loss, they followed Kane's instructions to cut trees and build houses obediently.

There are many wild animals in the woods, and the stewards always light torches and keep vigil when they are around.

In order to prevent the slaves from escaping, they had to be locked in small wooden huts when they were resting. They had no room to move around, and they couldn't even lie down completely when they slept. The space was limited, and they had to be crowded and curled up.

Kane felt that for the slaves, a larger log cabin was something they desperately needed now.

Besides, it is not difficult to build a house. The simplest wooden house does not even need a deep foundation. With so many people working together, it can be built in a few days.

Especially the slaves have built wooden houses, they all have experience, and this time they are built for themselves, and they can eat and drink enough, no one is lazy, even if there is no supervisor, they can work from sunrise to sunset in full swing .

If it weren't for most of them having night blindness, it is estimated that the slander will continue to be done.

Kane put down half of what he was originally worried about.

On the second day after the house was repaired, Kane ordered more than a dozen people to leave the mountain with him.

Among those who were hit happened to be Ira.

Ira walked in the crowd. He walked behind Kane a few times, but he didn't dare to talk to him. He could only open his mouth several times and hold it back several times.

Another "freeman" beside him noticed that something was wrong with Ira. He poked Ira's side and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong with you? Do you want to talk to God Envoy?" Ira also lowered his voice and said, "

You Do you think he looks familiar, like a person?"

"Freeman" said confusedly, "Who is it?"

"The one who escaped."

The "freeman" thought for a while, and became even more at a loss. "Isn't he dead? Besides, how can a slave become an angel?"

Iraq also knew that the escaped slave was dead. And if there were any similarities between the envoy and that man, probably only they had red hair, but red hair is very common in this continent, there can be two red hairs in ten people.

Moreover, the angel's back is also hunched, only slightly bent.

But Yila still felt that the envoy was that man. He pursed his lips and made up his mind to ask the envoy when he got there.

Kane also knew that Ira was looking at him. He roughly guessed that Ira had something to say to him, and guessed that Ira should have recognized him, but he didn't intend to recognize them and confessed his identity. .

This is what Lord Luna told him.

It would be fine if the slaves recognized him, but if they didn't, Kane couldn't confess.

People are like this, they don't envy those who are far away from them, they only envy those who are close to them.

Once they knew that Kane was also a slave before, it was hard to guarantee that they would not have any strange thoughts.

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