Chapter 112

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Chapter 112

Xiangguo, also known as Xiangbang, is the head of hundreds of officials, with left and right prime ministers as assistants.

When the monarch is unable to handle government affairs, the prime minister can dictate the policy of the court, and when the monarch and the prime minister agree with each other, it is not necessary to listen to the monarch.

This seat is very important, but the person in this seat is not very important.

Otherwise, there would be no Wei merchants to invite Ye Zhou to Wei as chancellor.

The monarch can dismiss Xiangguo, and Xiangguo can also change his boss. If he is a minister in Wei State today, he can go to Chu State to be a prime minister tomorrow.

Even in the history of Ye Zhou's own plane, Zhang Yi was the Prime Minister of the two countries, Su Qin lobbied the nations, and was in charge of the six kingdoms. , actually not much.

The monarchs may not know that inviting a prime minister from another country to come back may bring many hidden dangers.

But they don't have much choice. After all, if they don't absorb this talent back to their country, they will be snatched away by other countries.

Ye Zhou asked Chen Hou curiously: "What benefits can I gain from being Xiangbang?"

Chen Hou didn't think Ye Zhou's words were philistine, but immediately replied: "Xiangbang is equal to the king! Immortals are walking outside. They are all the same as me."

Ye Zhou was silent for a moment, this benefit was not attractive at all, he opened his mouth to refuse, but then asked: "Do you have to go to court every day?"

Chen Hou heard Ye Zhou's tone Song Song immediately said: "Since you are an immortal, you don't have to. Immortals come whenever they want, whenever they want, even in the middle of the night, they will sweep the couch to welcome them." Zou Ming's eyes twitched


It's a pity that Chen Hou didn't look at Zou Ming, otherwise he would have swallowed his last few words.

Ye Zhou: "Okay."

He agreed simply: "Then do I need to approve the memorial?"

Chen Hou said in a low voice: "The prime minister deals with state affairs, and most of them need to be reviewed."

Ye Zhou: "That's okay, you can give me less Do you want some?"

The main reason is that most of the memorials are nonsense.

Chen Hou breathed a sigh of relief: "It must be, I don't dare to waste my mind on the immortal."

Ye Zhou nodded.

"By the way, that Zhang Rong." Ye Zhou asked, "Do you want to kill?"

If Chen Hou said no, then Ye Zhou felt that with Chen Hou around for a day, the country of Chen would not be able to become stronger. We should wait for Chen Rui to grow up. Let's try to make a strong statement - the premise is that Chen Guo can survive until Chen Rui grows up.

However, Chen Hou rarely said solemnly: "I must be killed, this person must not be kept." "

I have set a date, and in three days' time, I will ask Brother Yan to execute the execution of the owl's head at the gate of the palace!" "Not so

, I can't suppress those who hide in the dark with evil intentions!" Chen Hou finally revealed some hidden anger.

But soon, he said with a wry smile: "I really don't have any available people in my hands."

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