Chapter 122

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Chapter 122

Before Ye Zhou had time to go to the Yang family to settle accounts, he got the younger brother of the head of the Yang family, an important member of the Yang family. Because he was deceived by an adulterer, he used swords and swords and raised private soldiers. On the news that he brandished a knife to commit suicide.

At noon today, only the two sons of the remaining Patriarch belonged to the head of the Yang family. The others all left Linzi and no longer called the Yang family.

The two sons of Yang's family, holding the wooden box containing Yang Yi's head and wearing only coarse linen clothes, knelt down step by step, walked to the palace gate, begged to see Marquis Chen, and Chen confessed his crime.

The people seemed to have suddenly forgotten what the Yang family had done to them. They stood by the side of the street, watching the two thin young men kowtow with tears in their eyes.

"It's really pitiful."

"Hey, the elders did something wrong, so why bother a family?"

"The Yang family is defeated..."

The common people looked at these two people who were supposed to be well-clothed and well-fed under the blessing of the family with regret. A young man who will go well in his next life.

"Their family is ruined and their families are ruined. I think the king won't care about them anymore." "

I can't see this, it's really pitiful!" "It can be seen that

if the head of the family is stupid, a family will lose if it says it is defeated." "

It can't be like that Said, as long as the main bloodline survives, and the descendants strive forward, there will always be a day when they will be the first."

The people sincerely thought they were pitiful.

When the Yang family was strong, they could gather together to protect Ye Zhou, wishing they could kill everyone in the Yang family.

But now that the Yang family was defeated, leaving only two frail young men, they thought that the Yang family had made a mistake, but the mistake was not fatal. They hoped that Chen Hou would forgive them gently.

It's best to give these two teenagers another important position, so that the Yang family can recover.

This is what the world requires of a "benevolent king".

There is no law, and the criterion for judging whether a person or a family is wrong or wrong is human feelings.

It is difficult for the monarch to go against the "expectations" of the people and the aristocratic families.


Chen Hou was lying on the bed, he was already awake, but he still felt groggy.

He tilted his head slightly, looked at Mrs. Hou who was sitting by the bed watching over him, and said with a wry smile, "Mrs. Hard work."

Mrs. Chen shook her head, "It's your majesty who has worked so hard these days."

Hou Chen sighed, After he woke up, he had heard Mrs. Chen explain what had happened these days, and he also knew the cause and effect of his "illness". He looked at this woman who had been married to him for many years and was a young couple.

She was haggard and old, but her eyes were still burning, as if something had stimulated her and rejuvenated her.

"Jiaoer..." Chen Hou called Mrs. Chen's nickname softly, he closed his eyes slightly, and said weakly, "Don't worry about the affairs of the Jiang family." Mrs.

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