Chapter 151

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Chapter 151

"Why is that the only thing?" The elderly woman stood by the table, her mouth was drooping, her eyes were too white, even if she didn't make an expression, she would feel vicious and mean.

The girl shrank her neck, she didn't dare to speak, and she didn't dare to defend herself.

Kelly's words frightened her, she didn't want to collapse in the supermarket, let alone be fired.

At least she can still eat a little meat and a little vegetable every day when she works in the supermarket. Although she is not full, it is much better than when she was at home.

So today she had the courage to eat a little more.

But even if it was just a little bit, my mother still noticed it.

The woman walked up to the girl, and she shouted: "Lift up your head!"

The girl trembled and didn't move, her legs were trembling, but she didn't dare to run away.

If she had escaped, she would have received a worse beating.

The woman suddenly slapped her on the head, and the slap without a hand made the girl's body fall to the side. When she was about to fall, the woman grabbed her wrist again and made her stand upright again. .

"Mom..." the girl murmured cowardly, but this time, the woman grabbed her hair and forced her to look up.

With a "slap", the girl was slapped and fell to the ground, her cheeks immediately turned red.

The woman was still angry, and she pointed to the lunch box brought back by the girl on the table: "You were born to support you, and you managed to bring something back, and you ended up with this little!" "I can't even eat enough!" The

woman People, "What did you let your father eat?!"

The girl covered her face, and she knelt on the ground, not even daring to cry.

The woman gave her a disgusted look: "If it weren't for..."

She didn't finish her sentence, but the girl knew what she was going to say.

If they hadn't only had her as a daughter, they might have thrown her away long ago.

"Go to work." The woman cursed, "Don't come back if you can't finish!"

The girl put her hands on the ground, got up covered in ashes, and stumbled out of the house.

She has to clean the chicken coop, feed the chickens, and collect firewood. After working all day, she still can't rest when she returns home.

When the girl was collecting firewood, she looked at her face by the pond. The face was swollen from the beating, and she could still taste a little rust when she swallowed.

After collecting firewood, she still had to fetch water. By the time she was done, it was already dark.

She tiptoed open the door and walked into the room cautiously, her parents were already asleep, and there were unwashed dishes on the table.

The girl can only take out the dishes and wash them.

Her eyesight is poor, especially at night, she is almost half-blind, so she can only rely on the habits accumulated over the years to smear her work.

After finally washing the dishes and finally going to sleep, the girl pulled out her quilt from the wooden bed. She made the bed near the door, then curled up on the bed, covering her head with the torn quilt, Slowly fell asleep.

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