Chapter 66

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Chapter 66

Amidst the roaring applause, Ye Zhou awkwardly walked up to the temporary wooden platform, holding a pair of scissors tied with a red bow in his hand, behind him was a stretched red ribbon, and hundreds of people were in the audience Farm staff and leaders.

Ye Zhou remembered that the last time he spoke in front of so many people was when he was in elementary school when he broke the glass of the school classroom because he kicked a football and was punished for the flag-raising ceremony.

He was still young at that time, he was not nervous at all, he was just annoyed that his aim was so poor, and the goal was so far away from the classroom, but he still kicked it to the teaching building. nervous.

He regretted it a little.

If I knew it earlier, I would not have promised Yang Guoqin to cut the ribbon for the farm.

But Yang Guoqin has been selling photon cannons everywhere recently, and he is often not at the Luoyang Base. He earnestly asked Ye Zhou to help cut the ribbon, but Ye Zhou couldn't say no.

After all, the sooner Yang Guoqin convinced the people in other bases, he could get the money earlier, unlock the protective cover and leave here.

Ye Zhou didn't want to stay in one plane for too long, the longer he stayed, the more distant the day when he would return home.

Ye Zhou took a deep breath, and after pumping himself up from the bottom of his heart, he said with a smile on his face: "This is the first time I cut the ribbon, and I don't know what to say. I have forgotten all the manuscripts I memorized before going on stage. Get off the script."

The crowd let out good-natured laughter, and Ye Zhou relaxed, and he continued: "General Yang told me before that the farm is just the first step on the right track, you...we need a lot of things, the farm , sugar factories, textile factories, countless factories, countless jobs." "

In addition to factories, we also need schools, large hospitals, and entertainment facilities." Ye Zhou found that every time he said a word, the smiles on people's faces deepened. point.

They love hearing these words, even though they themselves may have said it countless times.

Ye Zhou carefully recalled the contents of the manuscript, and said whatever came to his mind.

"Perhaps in the near future, we won't have to worry about the zombies outside anymore. Just like before the zombies appeared, cities can travel freely, there will be amusement parks, and there will be various chain supermarkets..." Ye Zhou said his

words There are scenes in the plane.

Obviously, what he thought was a normal and ordinary life before, but now, speaking of it, even he thinks it is as beautiful as a fantasy world.

"Everyone can receive compulsory education. You don't have to worry about anything before you become an adult. Even if you have no money, you can apply for a student loan. If your family is poor, you can apply for a student loan after entering university." Ye Zhou's face unconsciously brought with a genuine smile.

"Children don't need to be trained from an early age, and they don't need to take up guns and go to the battlefield before they are adults." Ye Zhou was talking, and he saw that someone's eyes were red in the audience.

For these young people, the "past" is a beautiful, elusive dream.

They are born in the "doomsday", and everything about the "past" is either based on information or word of mouth from the elderly.

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