Chapter 99

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Chapter 99

No one dared to shout, and the sun fell on people, but no one felt a trace of warmth.

The light was pale and cold, making people break out in cold sweat.

The guards seemed to have their tongues pulled out collectively, and they looked at the fallen comrades in shock.

No one knew exactly what happened just now, they didn't even have time to resist and block, they watched this weird girl kick away the guard who blocked her, and rode on the guard at an inhuman speed, Xiao Xiao Looking at the non-threatening fist, punch after punch hit the guard's face.

Just relying on brute force, the guards were bloodied.

And that happened almost instantly, no one could clearly see how the girl's fist fell, and almost all of them became afterimages.

When she got off the guard and turned her head, her face was covered in blood.

She licked a drop of blood from her lips, and half-closed her eyes intoxicated.

At any rate, she still remembered that this was Chen Hou's person, and she didn't kill him directly, but she only left him a sigh of relief.

The girl's flirtatious red pupils looked at them again: "Can you take me there now?" "

You." Sarah pointed to the guard who was crawled over her shoulder, "Come and carry me, and take me there directly." The

guard swallowed After spitting, Sarah stared at her, and the guard immediately threw herself in front of her, then slowly got up, and squatted down with her back to her. Sarah climbed onto the guard's back, sat firmly and patted him on the shoulder: "Let's go."

After the guard stood up with her back, Sarah looked at those people who were still frozen in place. She smiled at them, her canine teeth glowing coldly: "You can call someone, but... "

She didn't finish her sentence, she hesitated to speak.

The guards were sweating profusely because of this, and when Sarah was carried away, the guards seemed to come to their senses and sat down on the ground.

The underwear of several people was soaked in cold sweat. They looked at each other, and they all saw fear in each other's eyes.

I don't know how long it took before someone got up.

"Captain!" They rushed towards the guard who had been beaten until he was breathing in but not breathing out.

Five people formed a team, and the guard who was beaten unconscious was the leader of their team.

"What shall we do?" Someone asked.

The rest of the people looked at each other, and someone whispered: "We should have stopped each other with our lives just now..." They

are gate guards, no matter who breaks through the barrier, they should fight with their lives, but they not only did not resist, but also let the other party leave. I found out that this is the great crime of beheading!

Several people said at the same time: "This matter..."

and shut up at the same time. Although they knew what others were going to say, none of them wanted to be the first to say it.

Finally, a new guard couldn't help but said: "That girl is not an ordinary person at first glance, she is probably a mountain spirit and wild monster. The corporal leader led us to fight desperately, and she was knocked unconscious to the ground. I don't know if she is alive or dead, so I don't know. Wherever she went, there was no time to report her." "

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