Chapter 138

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Chapter 138

It's raining.

Sarah sat on the edge of the bed, staring at the rain curtain outside the floor-to-ceiling windows.

She watched the rain grow from small to heavy, and gradually became pouring. She didn't understand agriculture, and she didn't know how much loss this rain would bring to the farmers. She just thought the sound of rain was beautiful.

She used to be afraid of rain, and whenever it rained, she could only stay outside without any shelter.

Especially in winter, occasionally there will be no snow in winter, and when the rain stops, when the cold wind blows, she will almost be frozen into a popsicle.

She is a vampire, she will not die easily, but she also feels cold, hot, painful, and uncomfortable.

It's just that no one cares about her, no one loves her, so I also forget to love myself.

Sarah sneezed, and wrapped herself in a small blanket from hand.

Sometimes she still thinks all this is her temporary fantasy. She once saw the human race who were sucked to death. They would struggle in pain at first, then they would calm down, and soon there would be a smile on their faces, as if What a beautiful scene to see.

She once heard from the guards that before death, these human races would have hallucinations and return to the happiest time in their lives.

Sarah felt that maybe she was the same way.

It's just that she didn't have a happy day in her past, so she can only imagine a new environment and a new group of people.

"Why are you still in a daze?" When Cao'er entered the room, she saw Sarah staring out of the floor-to-ceiling window in a daze. She was holding a white knitted coat in her hand. She walked up to Sarah and handed the sweater to Sarah, also looked out, "I really like the rain."

"Ever since I've been with the fairy, I like rain." Cao'er smiled, "I used to hate rain, especially before the autumn harvest. I had to go to the ground to grab the harvest. If it rained heavily, there would be mudslides Mudslides, you know, right? The mud and stones on the mountain will collapse. If you are lucky, you will only injure a few people, and if you are lucky, the farmland will be flooded." Her eyes blurred, she is just the

most ordinary village girl who can walk When you have to learn to work.

Before she can go to the field, she has to take care of her younger siblings at home. At that time, she herself is still a child, and she has to learn to raise younger children.

She prepares food for her parents who are always in the fields, and cleans the home, which otherwise would be infested with bugs and mice.

Rats gnaw on people's nails and even flesh when people are sleeping. She was bitten by her nails. Fortunately, she woke up, otherwise she would definitely have a piece of flesh bitten off.

After she was able to go to the fields, she began to work with her parents, and her younger brother took care of her younger sisters at home.

She didn't want to go to the ground. Not only was she tired in the ground, but she would also be covered with bugs. No matter how hard you drove them away, they couldn't disperse. If they dispersed one moment, they would gather again the next moment.

With no meat to eat, no oil at home, and heavy physical labor every day, the most she wanted to do at that time was to sleep well.

No one wakes her up, so she can have a good night's sleep, even if she can't wake up again.

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