Chapter 94

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Chapter 94

    The snow is white, and the dead tree branches are full of snow. If someone passes under the tree, it only needs a slight movement to make the snow fall down, and the biting cold wind blows head-on. A wound can be left on a human face in an instant.

    The long team moved forward like ants, and the hoofprints left by the horseshoes were quickly covered by the wind and snow.

    The vast expanse of white ground shakes people's eyes almost blind, making people unable to tell the direction.

    The soldiers in cloth armor walked in the snow, their noses were blackened, their leather boots were wet from the snow, and they almost lost all feeling in their hands and feet, so they could only continue to walk forward numbly.

    At the end of the line, a wooden cart had already fallen into the snow. More than a dozen soldiers were pushing the cart together, but they couldn't push it out.

    The general in leather armor was standing beside the car, his voice was almost drowned out by the wind, and he could only shout in a rough voice: "Your Majesty! You must abandon the car!" The

    people sitting in the car were wrapped in animal skin blankets , even so, he was still shivering in the cold wind. He suppressed the trembling, with resentment on his brows, and said helplessly: "Bring my horse." Abandoning the cart and getting on the horse, the animal skin blanket was also gone

    . Unable to be wrapped, Chen Hou didn't even dare to inhale, as soon as he inhaled, the cold wind poured into his body, causing pain in all internal organs.

    The general rode his horse beside Chen Hou, and the distance between the two was extremely close, so that they could hear each other's voice clearly.

    "Your Majesty, our food and grass..."

    Chen Hou gritted his teeth, "Tell the sons to feed their hunger with snow, and now that the direction is unclear, the food and grass must not be easily consumed."


    Mr. : "The doctor persuaded the king that day, Mr. Zhao is cunning, so generous, it must be a trap."

    Chen Hou smiled wryly: "How can I not know? But Chen Guo is weak and weak. For so many years, no matter Zhao Guo Zheng Guo, as long as I stretch out my hand, I, Chen Guo, can do anything. What do they say about me? What do they say about me? What do they say about my father, father and son? They are all cowardly and cowardly people, and they are too much to wait for." "

    How do they know that not only Zhao Guo Zheng Guo, but Jin Guo, there are 80,000 troops, what about us? We put together 50,000 people, How many of them are slaves, old and weak?"

    Chen Hou coughed twice, and the general said repeatedly: "Your Majesty! Take care of yourself, Your Majesty!"

    Chen Hou waved his hand: "It's good, it's good that I appointed the crown prince before I left, if I can't Go back, Madam will be able to protect my son."

    "In the final analysis, I am greedy." Chen Hou sighed.

    Zhao State attacked Lu State, and rewarded Lu State's three passes close to Chen State, allowing Chen State and him to attack on both sides to carve up Lu State.

    Chen Hou hesitated again and again, but finally agreed.

    But the state of Lu has capable ministers and generals.

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