Chapter 104

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Chapter 104

The food that people often eat nowadays is only millet, yellow rice and various beans. No matter how rich the land of Chen Guo is, it is impossible to replace millet with rice.

Most of the vegetables they eat are wild vegetables, which are passed down to later generations, and it is estimated that they can only be regarded as weeds.

Not to mention meat, whether soldiers can eat meat depends on whether they can hunt prey or buy poultry that merchants ask farmers to raise, but even if the general is willing to pay for meat for soldiers, they are not You can eat it often, not everyone can eat it.

Those who could eat meat were the general's own soldiers, and they only tasted some meat.

It is a very luxurious day to have a bowl of broth with small rice.

The common people basically can't eat meat, and they rarely raise poultry, because they have to spend all their time working in the fields, and have no time to take care of poultry and no food to raise.

There is no time and technology to hunt.

It is impossible to raise poultry, and it is even more impossible to raise cattle.

Can't even afford it.

After Chen Hou arrived at the supermarket, what he looked forward to most every day was to eat at the meal time. He could eat anything and found it delicious. Now Chen Hou has gained more than 30 catties compared to when he was just rescued.

Even Chen Yan gained about twenty catties.

Chen Hou told Ye Zhou that he could not eat meat every day in Linzi, and even if he could, it was basically not fresh meat, but tasteless dried bacon. He was not short of salt, but besides salt , basically no seasoning.

Ye Zhou also asked curiously, what is the most delicious dish here.

Chen Hou took Emperor Zhou as an example. The diet of Emperor Zhou was eight delicacies, but these eight delicacies were far from what Ye Zhou imagined.

One of them is pickling, which is to slice beef and soak it in wine, and take it out the next day to eat with meat sauce.

All of these can be counted as "treasures", and they are unique to Zhou Tianzi. You can imagine how precious the ingredients are here, and how scarce the types of food and dishes are.

Moreover, the tripod they use for cooking is made of bronze, and not all craftsmen are good at craftsmanship, so it is very likely that after taking a bite of the dish, a piece of bronze grain will be spit out from the mouth.

In modern times, a little oil or monosodium glutamate can provide umami taste, but here, even Zhou Tianzi, I am afraid that he has not really tasted umami taste, because there is no spice, they can only eat earthy and fishy smell when eating fish , without any umami taste.

Ye Zhou didn't go to distribute food to the villagers. Unless necessary, he was not willing to play tricks himself now.

Not only embarrassing, but tiring.

He sat in the tent and ate self-heating tomato-flavored hot pot, accompanied by a self-heating rice bowl, and ate with Chen Hou who came uninvited.

Compared to Ye Zhou's gentleness, Chen Hou eats like someone is robbing him. He uses chopsticks so aggressively that his mouth is full of oil, and as long as there is room in his stomach, he will never stop.

Maybe it was because he was on his way, Ye Zhou didn't have much appetite, the hot pot didn't move much, and the rice bowl was all because he didn't want to waste it, and he didn't want others to eat his leftovers.

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