Chapter 58

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Chapter 58

When the knife in his hand pierced the zombie's brain, Ye Zhou's whole body collapsed -

he failed to persuade Zou Ming to stay in the supermarket, but he was persuaded instead, and followed the team to leave the protection range of the barbed wire.

There were small groups of zombies scattered on the vast land, some zombies were hanging on the barbed wire, and Ye Zhou went to make up the knife with the others.

These immobile zombies haven't reached the point where they have to use guns and bullets.

Ye Zhou himself was at a loss, why did he come out!

Although what Zou Ming said was indeed reasonable - he needed to exercise, and he didn't know if he would encounter a more dangerous plane in the future, relying on others was better than relying on himself.

Seeing the brains stained on the knife and smelling the stench from the knife, Ye Zhou felt complicated and was on the verge of collapse.

"What's wrong?" Zou Ming saw that Ye Zhou was in a daze after mending the knife, and asked, "Afraid?"

Ye Zhou shook his head slightly: "No,

I'm just a little confused." up.

In the supermarket, Wu Yan and the others all have pistols, even if Wu Yan and the others can't, there is Sarah.

Sarah is now the pinnacle of force in the supermarket. Ye Zhou still has great confidence in her. She looks like a small threat. No matter who she is, she will relax her vigilance. It is not a magical world. Few people would think that she is short. Sarah who is a little girl will be a vampire who has lived for more than four hundred years.

And Sarah doesn't want to come out herself - she is not used to guns and knives, and the best weapons are her own teeth and nails.

Let her bite zombies? She finds it dirty and doesn't want to.

Anyway, with Zou Ming around, Sarah was not worried about Ye Zhou being in danger, so she was willing to stay in the supermarket.

Ye Zhou also didn't think that Yang Guoqin would rob the supermarket when he was out - Yang Guoqin was not an idiot, he should have seen that there were only those things in the supermarket, and if he wanted more, he had to make a deal with Ye Zhou.

With Ye Zhou around, he can continue to obtain various supplies.

Without Ye Zhou, all he could get was the commodities in the supermarket.

Even the stupidest people will settle this account.

Zou Ming handed Ye Zhou a bottle of water: "Drink some water slowly, and go over there later, if you can't walk anymore, just tell me."

Ye Zhou waved his hand: "There is nothing you can do if you are tired. You can't make everyone stop because of me?"

Compared with these experienced fighters, Ye Zhou has a better understanding of his own physical strength.

In the original plane, he could be considered "strong and strong". He looks thin, but he still has muscles when he takes off his clothes.

Not as good as athletes and soldiers, but no worse than ordinary people.

But he is not compared with ordinary people now.

Ye Zhou sighed: "If I come out every day, I think it will take less than a month, and I will have to be reborn."

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