Chapter 75

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Chapter 75

    The warehouse is full of slaves sleeping, they are not too hot, just squeezed next to each other, and they are unwilling to leave the warehouse to sleep under the cool night sky, many of them are still holding half-gnawed Black bread.

    Some people even gnawed off their teeth because the bread was too hard. The lost teeth were stepped on by countless people, and they fell in the corner covered with dust.

    Yila curled up in the corner, with a piece of bread in his mouth, which he did not forget to chew even in his sleep.

    His body twitches occasionally, and the corners of his mouth sometimes go up and down, making it difficult for people to see whether he is crying or laughing.

    Everyone fell asleep peacefully, and they were not worried about what kind of punishment they would face if they were discovered by the lord.

    They can't think of what comes after their stomachs are filled—the threat of death is not as great as that of starvation.

    It was rare for Ira to have a sweet dream. He seldom had a dream. He had heard other slaves say that slaves don't have dreams.

    Only those who are favored by God can have dreams.

    But Ira clearly remembered that he often dreamed when he was a child. At that time, he slept in his mother's arms, and the tip of his nose was the smell of his mother. The warmth and reassurance made him feel at ease. He could always fall asleep quickly and sink into wonderful dreams.

    In his childhood dreams, the most common dream was that he and his mother moved to a small village. They were free people and had a log cabin of their own. He would work with his mother, repair the house, and plant flowers. plant grass.

    Later... his mother died, and he never dreamed again.

    He is always working, and can fall asleep with his eyes closed. Since then, his dreams have been far away from him, and all his beautiful imaginations about the future have disappeared.

    All that's left is a little remnant of crumbs for him to chew on late each night.

    But this night, he dreamed of his mother again.

    He turned back into the child who could only fall asleep in his mother's arms, sitting on the bed and playing alone, waiting for his mother to come back.

    There was continuous drizzle outside the window, and the wind blowing from the crack was extremely cold. Little Ira wrapped herself in a quilt into a cocoon, with only her head exposed, waiting for her mother to come back.

    The mother and son lived in a small wooden cabin behind the stable. This wooden cabin could only accommodate a bed and a table, but for slaves, this was already very good treatment.

    Many slaves didn't even have a roof to keep out the wind and rain. Whenever winter or rainy season came, many slaves would die of disease.

    If the slave died at the hands of the slave or the steward, the lord also felt that his property had been violated.

    But if he died of a disease, the lord would only feel that he was unlucky, and would never show mercy to the slaves, give them a piece of clothing, or a house.

    Little Yila feels that she is very happy. He has a mother, a "home", and food that can fill his stomach. There will be no happier person in this world than him.

    However, when he was dozing off while waiting, the wooden door was opened from the outside, and the rain outside did not know when it suddenly became heavier.

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