Chapter 113

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Chapter 113

In the dark cell, the floor was full of filth, there were rat droppings visible to the naked eye on the dry grass, and large stains on the walls.

Zhang Rong was sitting in the corner. He hadn't washed and washed for many days, his hair was disheveled, greasy and knotted, falling on his chest in strands. The jailer who was eating glanced in his direction, and said mockingly

: "The general who guards the gate is actually with the rebels. If I were him, I would kill myself!"

I am not afraid of anything, thinking that no one can care about my crime."

"Tie Zhao is dead, and his family has been kicked out of Chen Guo."

The jailer looked at Zhang Rong, and he glanced at the man in front of him. Mu Ji took a piece of fish bone from the cauldron and threw it in Zhang Rong's direction, and said with a smile, "Try it, General? This is your meal for beheading." Zhang, who had lowered his head and turned a deaf ear to what the jailer

said Rong suddenly raised his head, and his voice was hoarse and rough: "What meal for decapitation?"

"Yo!" The jailer pretended to be shocked and said, "The general doesn't know yet! Your majesty has ordered that the general will be taken to the palace at noon tomorrow." At the gate, perform the punishment of the owl's head in front of all the officials and the people." "The

first general in the world whose head was beheaded, you are different from ordinary people even if you die." The jailer laughed, "No wonder you are a great general. No."

"You're lying." Zhang Rong looked at the jailer, and he squeezed out a sentence through his teeth, "I am a child of the Zhang family, Your Majesty dare not treat me like this! My Zhang family..." "You Zhang family

, How about your Zhang family?!" The jailer stood up and spat at Zhang Rong, "Your Zhang family is also a subject of the emperor!" "

You are noble! We are low! I'm sorry!"

Zhang Rong suddenly stood up, grabbing his hands Leaning on the wooden fence, he shouted frantically, "I want to see Your Majesty! Let me see Your Majesty! He can't do this to me!"

"Your Majesty! You can't do this to him!" The old man held a cane, pointed at Chen Hou, and shouted every word, "You can't ignore all officials for your likes and dislikes! Zhang Rong He made a big mistake, he deserves to die! But you can't let him die in front of the common people!"

In the palace, all the officials stood in the main hall, which was not too big, and everyone crowded together and made a lot of noise.

The old man slammed the ground with his crutches: "You are insulting him! No matter whether it is poisoned wine or white silk, you can't take your head! You can't take your head in front of the people!" "You are tearing the face of the family and throwing it on the ground!

" !"

Sitting on the steps, Chen Hou was wearing a deep black dress, and looked down at Ye Zhou, who stood at the head of all the officials.

It may be because the way Zhang Rong was dealt with was too shocking, so all the officials and aristocratic families have not had time to find out who this new Xiangguo is, what achievements he has, and what abilities he has.

Chen Hou cleared his throat: "Uncle Guangxin thinks I'm doing something wrong? So what should you say?"

Uncle Guangxin snorted: "Your Majesty is so self-willed that he wants to ask his subordinates now? According to the old man, Zhang Rong can't be killed! Not only can't he be killed, the king should invite him out personally, the king governs the country with benevolence, if the guards are so ruthless, wouldn't it be frightening?" Ye Zhou, who was watching the performance, was shocked

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