Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

The rare computer "conscience discovery", Ye Zhou only turned a few pages, and was amazed by the abundance of bodyguard candidates.

Although the photos of these bodyguards seem to be people, just click on the picture, and the age, gender, race and personality hobbies of the person will jump out.

Yes - and race.

But this race is different from Ye Zhou's understanding.

When he found a photo of a little girl, he clicked it out of curiosity, but as soon as the information appeared, he was shocked by the other person's age.

The girl looks less than ten years old. She has a chubby little round face. She may have used a filter. Her skin looks too pale, but her eyes are big and her pupils seem a little red. She is grinning at the camera, and her canine teeth are a little obvious .

Four hundred and twenty years old?

Ye Zhou: "..."

Look at the race - vampire.

Ye Zhou swallowed.

In addition to vampires, there are werewolves, magicians, and reinvented people, as well as "people" who look like aliens by their race names.

It is rather difficult to find a real "human being" here.

Ye Zhou's worldview was shattered.

This is all right?

But fortunately, hiring a bodyguard requires signing a contract. This contract can guarantee the interests and personal safety of the employer and the hired party.

In other words, Ye Zhou didn't have to worry about the hired bodyguards striking back.

No matter what the bodyguard's personality is, at least he will not hurt him, nor will he rob his supermarket.

And no matter what the situation, he would never leave him and run for his life.

None of these people can be interviewed. After he likes it, he clicks to hire, so he can only distinguish the cost performance of these people from the few words in the introduction.

The most expensive one, with a monthly salary of two million, Ye Zhou gave up after seeing the price.

No matter how capable this person is, whether he can make a hundred with one, or even a thousand with one, he can't afford to hire him.

There are also low-priced ones, such as the vampire girl, whose monthly salary is only 3,000.

But Ye Zhou didn't dare to invite him because the price was too low, because he was afraid that the price would be directly proportional to his ability. He needed bodyguards and didn't need to raise a daughter.

Three thousand yuan, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a capable person.

And what do vampires usually eat? Why can't he save people and kill her to drink blood at the same time?

This doesn't work either.

Ye Zhou could only find it in mid-range priced bodyguards.

He himself is more inclined to "human" bodyguards, more compatible, preferably Chinese, if not Chinese, then preferably Asian, the other party must be able to speak Chinese.

In this way, his choice space has become much smaller.

But it is also easier because there are fewer choices.

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