Chapter 156

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Chapter 156

"Hey, hey, hey! What are you doing!" The guys brought by Stan stepped forward, waving their arms, trying to drive away Zou Ming who was standing in front of Stan, but they were stopped by Wu Yan and the others before they approached. .

After all, they are supermarket employees who have to train every day and have practiced fighting. Although Wu Yan and the others are small in number, if they are in the way, the guys can't get through.

"Don't make noise!" Stan took a step back, and he shouted at the guys behind him, "Go back."

The guys were taken aback.

What's the meaning? The boss has changed sex? Don't do business without money?

Stan tidied up his collar, raised his smiling face again, and said to Zou Ming, "Okay, I'll go in alone." Zou Ming didn't say anything, but moved aside to

let Stan walk up the stone slab leading to the supermarket road.

Wu Yan and the others stayed where they were, they were completely worried about these guys, no matter how they looked at them, they didn't look like guys, they looked like thugs.

Whose guys are all big guys?

Cao'er even put his hand on the gun.

"It's quite big here." Stan glanced at Zou Ming's expression out of the corner of his eye, "Black hair is really uncommon."

Zou Ming didn't answer, and Stan couldn't sing along alone, so he could only look away and followed Zou Ming's footsteps. go forward.

Stan almost slipped and fell when he stepped on the stairs of the supermarket.

It was Zou Ming who grabbed his "wrist", not so much the wrist, but the cuff.

Stan: "..."

He could sense the other party's disgust.

This was the first time he was disgusted by others, and it was so obvious.

But the most painful thing is that even if he notices it, he can't say anything, and he has to make others smile.

"What kind of floor is this?" Stan looked at the ground, "It's so slippery."

As he spoke, he fell down.

He lay down like a toad. After he lay down, he touched it with his hands, and then knocked. After touching and knocking for a while, he opened his mouth and raised his almost demented face. , asked Zou Ming in disbelief: "This, is this porcelain?" "

Porcelain ?!


In the end even called out the tenor's presence.

He didn't even want to get up from the ground, as if the floor was covered not with tiles but with gold.

Stan: "You, do you know what this is?! This is porcelain! This is porcelain that is shipped from the East, and only nobles and royal families can use it! Even, even I bought a set of tableware at a high price !"

Stan was so distressed that he was about to cry.

Is there any reason for them to use so much money to pave the ground? !

Zou Ming: "Well, this is a tile floor."

Stan looked up stupidly, and he repeated Zou Ming's words: "Porcelain, tile floor?"

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