Chapter 199 - 200

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Chapter 199

Ye Zhou almost didn't recognize Apu.

It's just that we haven't seen each other for two years. Apu has changed a lot. The young boy who was originally a bit young has grown into a real adult, and even grew a beard. If Ye Zhou hadn't had a good memory, he wouldn't have recognized Apu at all. .

No matter how many years it takes, Ye Zhou will not change.

But for the people here, two years is enough time for a sea change.

"Byron is busy now!" Apu graciously invited Ye Zhou to sit at his home.

Ye Zhou was also curious about what the town had become now, so he took Sarah to Apu's house as good as he could.

Apu's house is inside the city wall. Apu calls the inside of the wall the main city and the outside of the wall the outer city. He happily led Ye Zhou to his door-his house is very beautiful. The owner of the house decorated it very beautifully. A small area was specially opened at the entrance of the house to plant flowers and plants, and the vines climbed up the wall.

There is a small table outside the window, and there are also flowerpots. I don't know what kind of flowers are planted in it, but there are a few butterflies on it. No matter how you look at it, this is a house that many people dream of even in modern times. .

"My parents live there." Apu pointed to a house at the end of the street, "I live here with my wife, she is pregnant."

Ye Zhou was a little curious: "Are you still selling goods? "

Apu rubbed his nose, a little embarrassed, but also a little proud: "I have my own small shops in several cities, and now I don't need to run often by myself." "

Who's here?" Apu As soon as the door was opened, a woman's voice came from upstairs.

Mira was wearing maternity clothes-these were all cotton from the supermarket, very comfortable and loose.

Her hair was tied back casually, and the freckles on her face faded a lot. Seeing Apu bring a strange man in, Mira involuntarily exclaimed, she wanted to go back to her room and change.

When she saw Sarah, Mira forgot to change her clothes. She asked cautiously, "Sarah?

" Before Sarah, she didn't know Sarah's identity as a vampire, she just thought that Sarah was an ordinary child, but the color of her eyes was a little weird. Seeing Sarah nodded at her, Mila said in disbelief: "Why are you so small?" Didn't grow?"

After speaking, Mira immediately covered her mouth, she was so embarrassed that she didn't know how to put her hands and feet: "I, I didn't mean that..."

Sarah waved her hands generously: "It's okay, I'm not angry, I'm not tall in the first place, and you're right."

Apu finally couldn't hold it anymore, and he said impatiently, "Mira, this is Mr. Zhou!"

Mira looked at him in confusion. Husband, who is Mr. Zhou? Does she know it? Should she know?

Apu stomped anxiously: "It's Master Zhou who runs the supermarket!"

Now Mira finally knew who the man was. Going down, she opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say.

"Excuse me." Ye Zhou spoke first, and he nodded slightly to Mira, "We'll be leaving in a while." "

No, no, no!" Apu said quickly, "You can stay for as long as you want! I I would like to dedicate this house to you!"

"The castle has not been repaired, and now it is uninhabitable, otherwise you can live in the castle!"

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