Chapter 129

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Chapter 129

This town that the local residents think is weird is actually not big. If you look at it from a height, there is only one main street, with seven branches extending outwards. The center of the town is a vaulted castle and the stone house of the lord of the Minzel continent. In comparison, this castle is magnificent and exquisite.

The city wall surrounding this town is very low, probably because it has not fought for a long time, so the city wall has lost its original function long ago, and no one will stop the residents of the town from entering and leaving.

But Ye Zhou observed all morning, and only saw the local residents of the town coming in and out.

"It's really a bit wrong." Cao'er said while having lunch, "If there is such a town in our country, people from all over the world will go in, even if it's not a market day, they will occasionally go to the grain store or cloth store. "

Cao'er took a bite of the sandwich, took another sip of milk, and then continued after swallowing: "There must be something weird."

After speaking, she went to get another sandwich.

In fact, she doesn't like sandwiches, but this dislike is compared with Roujiamo.

Roujiamo is full of fine minced meat. Although it is thinner and less fat, but because of the sesame oil, the meat is not firewood at all, and stuffed with some vegetables, it will leave a good taste after eating. Cao'er can eat five .

But it's better to eat sandwiches outside, the taste is not much worse when it's cold, but the meat won't taste as good when it's cold.

Ye Zhou's appetite improved as the grass tasted delicious, but he still only ate one and put it down.

"Immortal, let me go in and have a look first." Cao'er asked Ying to come out with her, consciously wanting to play a role.

Ye Zhou didn't stop him either, he brought Cao'er out so that Cao'er could serve as an outpost.

Just as Cao'er said, she is not tall, and she is a girl, no matter who sees her, she will not be too wary.

Letting Zou Ming go and letting Cao'er go must be two different results.

But Ye Zhou still said: "You remember what you said before, Zou Ming and I will always watch you, but you are the one who can really protect you, so be careful." Cao'er nodded

. I prepared an extended magazine and had enough bullets.

There was also a dagger pinned to his calf.

Although she can't gain the upper hand in a duel with Wu Yan, it is still very easy to deal with people who have not learned fighting.

When Ye Zhou didn't learn it before, he thought that with absolute power, any skill was just a trick. After he learned it, he realized that most of the time people didn't have absolute power.

Absolute strength is not between a man and a woman, but in terms of weight. A lady of two hundred catties can easily beat a young man of one hundred catties.

It is impossible for a woman weighing eight or ninety pounds to beat a man weighing more than one hundred pounds.

But women who weigh 120 to 30 pounds, as long as they train for a long time, it is not difficult to beat men who have not trained before, and men who weigh less than 150 pounds.

Cao'er's current weight is only about 120 jin. Due to long-term training, Cao'er's body fat is much lower than the average body fat of women.

When you really fight with someone, you can hit the opponent's temple or chin with just one punch, and you can basically get away with one blow.

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