Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

    Including the pistol that Zou Ming took out, Ye Zhou had four pistols in his hand at this moment, one of which he bought for self-defense immediately after getting the money. Ye Zhou had already thought about who would give the pistol to him.

    Just after dawn, Ye Zhou asked the person he chose to come to the lounge through the radio.

    Zou Ming is going to get up Sun Hao who has been "repaired" all night. No matter what method they think of today, they have to find the way up the mountain, find out the reality of the gangsters, and see what their leader looks like. .

    With binoculars in hand, it shouldn't be difficult to find out the situation without alerting the bandits.

    "Why is there me this time..." The man was a little puzzled.

    Zhou Wen is not a person with a sense of presence. He is not as strong as Wu Yan, and he is not as fast as Chen Liu. If no one calls him on weekdays, others will not realize that there is such a person around him.

    Wu Yan smiled at him and said, "The Immortal has taken a fancy to you, so you must have extraordinary abilities, why belittle yourself?"

    Zhou Wen nodded a little cautiously.

    He is a little afraid of Wu Yan, because Wu Yan can read and write and is a landlord.

    And he is just the most ordinary tenant. Of the four brothers in the family, he is the only one who married a wife because he is the eldest.

    Before fleeing famine, the younger brothers had already gone to the city to find work, nothing more than digging soil and moving stones, helping businessmen move goods, and earning some hard money.

    Both parents died on the way to flee famine. They are old and have worked hard all their lives. Their legs, feet and waist are not good.

    Zhou Wen had been the eldest for half his life, and later became a husband and a father. He didn't protect his parents, he had to protect his wife and children.

    He is not the kind of person who can live alone. If his wife and children are gone, he will just find a place to bump to death.

    Among the employees, he never stands out, but if asked to do things, he can always put his head down and do a good job.

    "I'm afraid it's because of your appearance yesterday." Chen Liu suddenly raised his head and said, "It's bloody."

    Then the others remembered that Zhou Wen usually looked timid and fearful, but he dared to beat Sun Hao yesterday.

    "I really can't see that you can still have such a big temper."

    "I was shocked."

    Zhou Wen pursed his lips, and said firmly, "They cannibalize people, they deserve to die!

    " Pressed on the ground, his mouth was full of mud, his wife was stripped of her coat by those people, naked and humiliated, his son was just a pig waiting to be slaughtered in the eyes of those people.

    To this day, Zhou Wen doesn't know how he broke free from the shackles, how he bit the person who held him down.

    When he came back to his senses, his mouth was full of the rusty taste of blood, and he bit the man's neck until it was bloody.

    Without a weapon, his teeth are the hardest and sharpest things in his body.

    Since then, he never fled with strong and strong people, but stayed with a group of old, weak, sick and disabled with his wife and children.

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