Chapter 127

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Chapter 127

"This time the system is a bit of a fool." Ye Zhou walked to the entrance of the supermarket, looked at the lush trees and involuntarily took a deep breath. He could smell the fragrance of the grass, and he could hear the crisp birdsong.

But this time the supermarket did not land in the wilderness. He looked into the distance and could see the smoke rising from the mountains.

There are houses and villages nearby, and although the place where he is located is hidden, it is not isolated from the world. After walking for two hours, you can find a small road. In the future, you can reach the villages and towns.

Ye Zhou quite liked it here. He went out to explore the road these days, and he saw dwarves, goblins, and other races walking on the road.

Everyone seems to be having a good time. Although it is still in the Western world, the technological development is obviously much better than that of Minzel Continent.

It's a bit like steam technology is just starting to develop.

Ye Zhou doesn't know whether it's just the place where he "landed" is good, or the country is good. At least according to his observations these days, the largest town nearby has simple folk customs. Not rich, but life seems to be fine.

Among the many planes he has been to, it is considered the best one for civilians.

However, Ye Zhou still didn't rush to deal with the people here. After Sarah left, there were no native-looking people among the employees. Besides, all he could see was the surface. have no idea.

But Ye Zhou wasn't too worried. They were still capable of beating the people here with their strength, so there was no problem with their safety.

The only problem is that Ye Zhou doesn't want to have conflicts with the local people. If the fight is just because of different positions, then he is not here to do business, but to commit crimes.

"It's best to win over a local." Ye Zhouchong said to Zou Ming who had just walked beside him, "We are not suitable to deal with people here directly." This is a peaceful age,

unlike the previous planes, During times of turmoil, people think less. Anyway, no matter how bad the situation is, it won't be too bad. But here is not the case. People don't have to worry about food and clothing.

Be careful, it's for their own good, and for the locals too.

Zou Ming asked: "Shall I go out and look for it?"

Ye Zhou thought for a while: "It's possible, but your figure and face..."

Ye Zhou looked at Zou Ming, although no one here is hungry enough , but they are all short, not to mention goblins and dwarves, they are ordinary humans and elves, and Ye Zhou, who is as tall as Zou Ming, has never been seen.

As for appearance, no matter how good-looking Zou Ming is, it is also good-looking for Asians.

Ye Zhou's eyes suddenly lit up: "Wait until I go to the store to look it up."

He remembered that he had watched a variety show with special effects makeup before, and people could be turned into monsters, so it shouldn't be a big problem to turn Asians into Europeans Bar?

Probably just put a pad on the nose and brow bone.

Just buy the right prosthesis.

If you don't touch it with your hands and it doesn't fall off accidentally, there should be no problem.

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