Chapter 71

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Chapter 71

    "I'll ask Doctor Zhou." Cao'er wiped her hands with a sterile paper towel. This is a habit she developed in Luoyang base. If you don't wipe your hands clean, you will get sick if you eat dirty things in your mouth or rub them in your eyes.

    Cao'er whispered: "I heard from Dr. Zhou that if a person is bitten by a dog, the dog will get sick again, and so will the person! It's called mad dog disease. Although he has been vaccinated, if he has been bitten by a dog After biting for more than a day, the effect will not be good, and you may still be able to get it." "

    The way he yelled at me just now, it really looks like a mad dog!" Cao'er was terrified.

    It doesn't matter that the other party has red hair, and still yells at her fiercely like that, Cao'er believes that he should have the blood of a monster.

    "Be careful." Cao'er told Feng Ling worriedly before leaving, "Although he looks boring, he is a man at least, and he may be a monster. Don't underestimate him." Feng Ling nodded at her, and said very obediently

    : "Okay."

    Cao'er patted the back of her hand: "Then I'll go to Dr. Zhou first."

    Looking at the background of Cao'er's departure, the mask Feng Ling put on—the scars on her face were too ferocious, it was very painful. She prefers to wear a mask when dealing with people she meets for the first time, so as not to scare others.

    She took the translator in her hand, opened the door of the "ward" and walked in.

    The red-haired man had already pulled out the pillow. He was curled up at the foot of the wall. A little blood leaked out from the rough needle hole. He looked at Feng Ling who came in in a panic. He didn't have any weapons, so he could only keep waving his arms. , making an expulsion gesture.

    "Hello?" Feng Ling asked in English.

    Her English is not good. After all, the school has stopped teaching it a long time ago. She can only learn by watching videos. The base does not have a stable power supply. After three or four years of self-study, she barely finished the junior high school courses.

    And she still doesn't know how she is learning.

    Kane froze for a moment, he thought he had heard wrongly, he stood there in a daze, and after a long while, he carefully replied: " are not a devil?" Ever since Cao'er came in,

    he was in extreme panic In fear, the man with black hair and black eyes he had only heard of in legends.

    Even if there is a person with black hair, he will not have such a face, such eyes, completely different from them.

    You can tell at a glance that they are not the same kind of person.

    Although Feng Ling's English has a strong accent, Kane can still hear what she wants to say, and he can't be far from guessing.

    "Don't worry, we're here to save you." Feng Ling squatted in front of Kane, and didn't approach him rashly. She whispered softly and stammered, "No one will ask you to crawl like a dog, nor will you No one will let a dog bite you, and no one will deny you food."

    Feng Ling stretched out her hand, and she looked into Kane's eyes.

    Maybe it was because Feng Ling's eyes were too gentle and firm, Kane didn't yell at her, and he didn't wave his arms anymore, but shrunk himself into a smaller ball.

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