Chapter 86

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Chapter 86

When Ye Zhou returned to the supermarket, the first thing he did was to scan the QR code for the things Ryan "sent" to him.

The employees tidied up the things in the dimension box, and Ye Zhou took some samples to sweep. He was going to keep the gold, and it would be a loss for the system to exchange precious metals. Unless there was no money, Ye Zhou would exchange them.

He first asked Wu Yan and the others to move the wine barrel to the cash register, and impatiently scanned it with the barcode scanner-

wine x


Ye Zhou was a little surprised, the wine was so valuable, he thought it was the cheapest.

Ye Zhou said to Caoerniang, "Go and find a place to raise those chickens and ducks, and then slaughter

them when you want to eat them." I still prefer live poultry, I feel kinder and fresher.

In addition to wine, there are also some miscellaneous handicrafts. Although they are very rough in Ye Zhou's view, they are all handmade and the tools are not good enough. No matter how good a craftsman is, they can't make a good product.

Ye Zhou picked up a small iron puppet. The puppet's face was blurry, and it was impossible to tell whether it was a man or a woman. The hair was only carved with a few grooves. Pick up the quality.

However, Ye Zhou was taken aback by the price that popped up after scanning the QR code.

Iron doll x


Ye Zhou "???" Why

is this thing worth more than eight thousand?

Is it true that in this day and age, handicrafts are very valuable?

Or is it because commerce is underdeveloped and there are few people engaged in handicrafts, so rare things are more expensive, so can they be worth the price?

Ye Zhou stared blankly at the code scanning gun in his hand.

Compared with the Luoyang base, it seems that Daliang Chaohe is a good place to make money. They are still in the farming era, but there are much more valuable things than the Luoyang base.

It took Yang Guoqin so long to scrape together the money for a photon cannon, but if it were changed to this place, the nobles took out their treasured handicrafts and wondered how many photon cannons they could buy.

"Where the gap between rich and poor is large, money is easy to earn." Ye Zhou sighed softly.

Sarah, who was arranging handicrafts next to her, said, "When you go to my plane, the money there will be easy to earn!"

Ye Zhou became interested, "How easy is it to earn? What is your value?"

Sarah "Gems, diamonds, The gems you gave Ryan are worth at least one or two hundred million."

Ye Zhou's expression was stiff, and he wished he could run back to the cliff right now, grab Ryan's neck and ask him to return the gems.

Sarah: "You don't have to regret it. Maybe you can find cheap diamonds before going to my plane. In some planes, diamonds are stones and worthless." In addition to precious metals, things including emeralds, jade, and

diamonds , and prices vary with popularity.

Jadeite was worthless in the Liang Dynasty, but it was very valuable in Ye Zhou's plane. Jadeite with good water quality started at 100,000.

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