Chapter 63

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Chapter 63

On the towering city wall, countless soldiers were waiting in battle, pointing their guns at the huge wave of corpses not far away.

Hundreds of thousands of zombies gather together, every step forward seems to make the earth tremble. They have no brain, or they share a brain. They have a clear goal and never back down. When they come, nothing can stop them footsteps.

Yang Guoqin was standing on the city wall. He was not wearing a uniform, but a camouflage uniform for easy movement, with a gun in his hand.

The cigarette in his hand burned to the end, but he didn't seem to notice it. He didn't put out the cigarette with a wry smile until it burned his hand.

The former Hongyun base was the front line of all bases. Compared with their bases with ordinary residents, Hongyun is the real battle base.

There are more than 300,000 people, only less than 50,000 are engaged in production, and the remaining more than 200,000 are all young men and women. They must learn to carry guns when they can move. From toy guns to real guns, they must learn to read when they can read Killing zombies, they are the elites cultivated by all the bases with painstaking efforts, and they must guard the most dangerous front line for human beings.

But when the tide of corpses came, all the bases gave their all to support them. Except for the soldiers left behind, all the remaining troops were sent to Hongyun, countless supplies, countless soldiers, and they even sent recruits who were under 18 years old. .

In this way, Hongyun collapsed after less than a week of persistence.

So far, no one knows how Hongyun's soldiers persisted in the past few days. When they realized that manpower could not compete with the zombies, they could only watch the zombies break through the line of defense and watch their comrades fall one after another. What kind of mood did they feel? .

Yang Guoqin didn't dare to think deeply at this moment.

The general died in a hundred battles, if he couldn't defend Luoyang, then he would live and die with Luoyang.

"Where are the people from the Pioneer Battalion?!" Yang Guoqin shouted at the soldiers who were running towards him.

The soldiers stopped and didn't care about the military salute at this time: "They have assembled, they are below."

Yang Guoqin kept a straight face, his already wrinkled face did not waver at all, let alone fear, as if his face That's right, it's not hundreds of thousands of zombies, it's just an ordinary show: "You must withstand the first wave of impact, photon cannons can't be used here." Now the only thing they can count on is the photon cannon, which stores

energy After all, it can only be used once, and they don't know much about the photon cannon. They don't know its attack range, and they don't know how much damage it can cause to zombies.

Must stay until the zombie horde is within range.

And the vanguard group of zombies that opened the way for the large army had to be stopped by manpower.

" the photon cannon really reliable?" the soldier couldn't help asking.

Yang Guoqin paused, he didn't speak, and the soldier didn't continue to ask.

All they have now is the slim hope of a photon cannon.

After what happened at Hongyun Base, no other bases will send troops over this time.

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