Chapter 160

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Chapter 160

Gold candlesticks are placed on the table with carved patterns on the corners. The flames of the candles flicker as the pedestrians walk. The well-dressed gentlemen and ladies walk into the dance floor to the sound of music, or hold silverware. The quality wine glass is talking aside.

The businessmen jumped up and down in the crowd, constantly being looked down upon and flattered.

The same is true for Stan. For the nobles, the easy ball is the last painful hurdle before making money for these businessmen.

"I heard that the second lady is going to get married soon." Stan squeezed in front of a Marquis with great difficulty, pushed the businessman next to him away, bent down and looked up at the other party and said, "I have a good set of things that I want to give to you." Second Miss."

The Marquis has blond hair, and he looks at Stan, not wanting to deal with him much, but he is not a tough guy, so he just said, "Diamond jewelry? I already have it." Recently, diamonds have become

popular The price of jewelry is not low, but the Marquis's family is not short of money. He has already bought more than a dozen sets for his daughter, which is enough for her to wear.

Stan immediately said: "No, no, although diamond jewelry is beautiful, it is not impossible for others to buy it, and it is not worthy of the noble status of the second lady." The

Marquis frowned.

The brooch he is wearing now is made of diamonds, and all the buttons on his clothes have been replaced with diamond buttons. When the other party said this, he was saying that he had no taste, but before the Marquis reprimanded him, he heard Stan say: "I What I want to give is a set of porcelain."

The Marquis shut up.

Porcelain is indeed more tasteful than diamonds.

After all, the former cannot be bought with money, while the latter can be bought with money.

But the Marquis still didn't have a good face: "Could I be short of porcelain?"

Stan quickly said: "No, no, of course not, but these porcelains are different from what you can usually buy."

After speaking, Stan took out a wooden box from his pocket, and the Marquis's face showed a look of disgust-no wonder When the businessman walked over, he felt that there was something wrong with the other person's clothes. How could a decent person put such a big thing in his pocket?

"Look." Stan opened the box.

The Marquis' dislike disappeared instantly after seeing the contents in the box.

Inside the box is a round brooch, a very common style, but its texture is not ordinary.

The Marquis stretched out his hand, but withdrew his hand when he was about to touch the brooch: "This, is this also porcelain?"

There was a wreath of complicated patterns around the brooch, but the most exquisite pattern was the middle of the brooch, which was a woman wearing a wreath on her head. The young girl, she has no expression, she even looks a little sad, but this does not damage her beauty, the slight sadness between her brows makes her look even more beautiful.

Stan said: "You can touch it, her face is not painted, but like a real person, with highs and lows." The

Marquis finally couldn't help it, reached out and touched the tip of the girl's nose, he took a breath , amazed by the delicacy and beauty of this brooch.

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