Chapter 114

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Chapter 114

In the west of Linzi City, a young girl is wearing linen clothes and hanging the washed clothes on the hemp rope. Her arms and skirt have patches, her cheeks are slightly sunken, and her dress seems to be empty.

An old woman sat under the eaves, mending a rag in her hand.

She fixed it for a while, and when her eyes couldn't take it anymore, she raised her head and looked at the girl standing not far away.

"Take a break." The old woman sighed, "I don't know when the day will be the best."

The girl stopped the movement of her hands, paused and continued to dry, and said in a flat tone: "Today the food officer will I'm coming."

The old woman hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help but said: "It's impossible, mother will take you back to your hometown in the country, where there are fields, and you won't starve to death." After the girl hung up the

last piece of clothing, she shook her head and said: "If you can't survive in Linzi, what's the use of going back to the countryside? If you really guard the fields, you won't starve to death, and there won't be so many people who left everything and came to Linzi.

" The people in the village rushed to Linzi with their families, preferring to build grass sheds outside the city, rather than staying in their hometown that has been run for generations.

The old woman sighed.

Her husband died early, and the family assets left behind were not considered to be large. Originally, it was not difficult for her to live with her three children.

After all, they still have land and slaves in the countryside. Although they can't support the boys in the family to study with teachers, relying on the output of the fields, it is not difficult to live a good life if they just fill their stomachs.

But now, they have no more food left, and after the crops in the field are taken away by the food officials, there is only enough left over for the slaves to barely survive.

They wanted to sell the slaves too, but no merchant was willing to buy them.

If they don't sell it, they can't just watch them starve to death, and even if they are determined to watch them starve to death, they don't dare, otherwise the slaves will starve to death, and they won't reason with them.

"Maybe the news is true?" The old woman murmured hopefully, " can really get money this time?" The

common people didn't believe that they could buy food at a low price, But with a little hope, maybe?

The young girl didn't answer, she was afraid that if she opened her mouth, she would shatter the little hope left by her mother.

In today's Linzi City, if an adult male can still find coolie work, although it is tiring and hard work, he can at least make some money. When he is lucky, the employer can still take care of a meal.

But women can only find jobs such as washing and mending clothes. Such jobs earn even less money. I am afraid that if you work from morning to night, the money and food you earn can only be used to support your stomach. Such jobs are not common every day. , often the female relatives from the entire west of the city went to grab jobs together.

Washing clothes is more tiring than mending. Although the girl has little meat left, she still takes on the heaviest work, and only asks the old woman to mend some clothes that are not difficult to mend.

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