Chapter 78

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Chapter 78

Maybe it was because he sprayed enough toilet water, Ye Zhou finally got a good night's sleep, but because he sprayed too much, Ye Zhou could no longer smell the toilet water on his body, so he could only take a walk in the woods, waiting for the smell The pungent smell disappears by itself.

He occasionally observed the slaves with a telescope during the day.

Contrary to what he imagined, he thought the slaves would cheer, but holding the binoculars, he could only see the bewildered expressions on the faces of the slaves.

For a moment, Ye Zhou thought he had done something wrong.

But soon he figured it out.

He does not believe that people are slavish, no one wants to be a slave from birth, people are just afraid of change.

Zhou Wen and the others have lived in the same village for generations. If it wasn't for natural disasters, they would never leave the land they are familiar with, because they know how to live on that land.

The same is true for slaves, they only know one way to live, not being slaves is the beginning of the unknown for them.

Ye Zhou himself just jumped from the plane, and when he arrived in Daliang Dynasty from modern times, he also felt scared. He didn't know what he was going to face, and he was terrified every day. At one point, he wanted to smash the jar and just stay in the supermarket and wait to die.

So he can understand them.

For the slaves, what they need most is to have a way to survive.

Anyway, he is capable enough now, with sufficient funds and resources, and is willing to help them.

It's best if he can succeed, but if he can't, he won't leave any regrets in this plane.

"The seeds and agricultural tools have to be brought here." Ye Zhou discussed with Chen Shu, "But there is no road here, and it is impossible to transport them by car."

There are cars in the system mall now, and Ye Zhou can also drive them, but the road conditions here do not allow it.

Chen Shu asked curiously, "Hasn't the system unlocked the carrying tool yet?"

Ye Zhou heard about the carrying tool for the first time, and he hurriedly asked curiously, "What is the carrying tool?

" Putting it directly into the dimensional space means that you only need to carry a box. I remember that this thing is unlocked quite early, usually on the first plane." Ye Zhou blinked, "Really?" Chen Shu couldn't


back Asked, "Boss, have you checked the unlock bar?"

Ye Zhou hurriedly "proves his innocence" "I must have seen it, otherwise how would I unlock the protective cover?"

Chen Shu thought for a while, "Then I don't know, after I go back Let's see, how long are we going to stay here?"

"Go back tomorrow." Ye Zhou said, "Go back and find a way to bring the things here." "

But I have to talk to that person named Kurt tonight. "

Kurt is a speculator, he is shrewd and cunning, but he is not completely without awe of the gods.

This kind of person is a good microphone if he uses it well.

Ye Zhou finally understood why those emperors love to use eunuchs and treacherous officials, because compared with loyal officials, these people can better understand his meaning, and convey his requirements strictly or even harshly.

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