Chapter 139

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Chapter 139

A small town is a small town after all, it is not a fortress, and the low city walls cannot really protect the residents living inside.

The castle can only protect the vampires from the sun. After all, the number of guards is limited, and the guards during the day are all human races who are not afraid of the sun. As long as they act during the day, Ye Zhou thinks that they will not encounter too much danger.

After arranging the left-behind employees, he left the supermarket with most of the adults.

The only "child" in the team was Sarah.

Originally, Ye Zhou didn't want to take Sarah out with her. Not long after she left that hell, she would inevitably feel hurt when she went back again.

But Sarah insisted on going together, even throwing and rolling on the ground.

It's true Sapo rolling, although the rolling is not very proficient, and the expression on his face is a little stiff, not only does it not cause headaches, but also makes people want to laugh, but Sarah has shown this attitude, and Ye Zhou ordered head.

After all, although Sarah's mind is not strong, she has enough combat power to not hold her back.

Ye Zhou kept holding the walkie-talkie as he headed towards the town. Although he was able to contact Zou Ming in the past few days, because the distance was too far, the voice from the walkie-talkie was either noisy or intermittent.

Now the distance between him and Zou Ming is getting closer, and the voice of the walkie-talkie is becoming more and more clear.

When he was standing on the hillside where he and Zou Ming were observing the town together, the sound of the intercom had disappeared.

Ye Zhou could tell from Zou Ming's voice that he should be staying in a closed room now, and he could hear a less obvious echo.

"Did you find it?" Ye Zhou asked in a low voice.

Zou Ming paused for a moment, with helplessness in his tone: "Zhou Yuanhe has a fever."

"I took antipyretics, but it still didn't heal. I can't take him to look for it."

Ye Zhou: "..."

Zou Ming and Zhou Yuanhe entered the city over the wall at night, so that the residents would not find them. The vampires in the movie are all "nobles" and will not personally patrol the town. As long as they find places that the guards would not easily patrol, the night may not be dangerous.

It's just that sneaking into the castle needs to be during the daytime, but daytime is the time when the townspeople are active. Zou Ming can say it alone, but Zhou Yuanhe is sick, and Zou Ming really wants to abandon Zhou Yuanhe - he didn't say it clearly, but Ye Zhou can do it from There was strong disgust in his tone.

Zhou Yuanhe's illness is not serious, the fever has subsided now, it's just that he is easily in a trance due to lack of energy.

"Let him come out that night." Ye Zhou said to Zou Ming, "Let him go back to the supermarket to recuperate."

Zou Ming said "Yes". Ye Zhou: "I brought a fluorescent lamp, but I don't know if it will be useful. Sarah is also here. She doesn't want to stay

in the supermarket."

When will it be delayed?"

Zou Ming has no objection.

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