Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

A blue disposable medical mask was worn on Lin You's face, paired with his white ramie shirt, it gave Ye Zhou a sense of space-time confusion when he entered the supermarket.

Ye Zhou was still sitting in the monitoring room. He didn't want to deal with the natives, not only because he wanted to maintain his personality, but also because he was a chatterbox and belonged to the group of people who suffered from social arrogance.

Even taking a taxi, you can chat with the driver from beginning to end.

He was worried that if he had to deal with the natives, he would talk himself out of it within two hours.

During this period of time, in order to relieve his desire to confide, Ye Zhou wrote a diary on his mobile phone every day.

--Who is a serious person who keeps a diary? It can be seen that he is going crazy now.

Ye Zhou looked at Lin You in the surveillance, and discovered for the first time that the ancient class distinctions could be reflected in appearance.

Lin You's hands and feet were slender, and he was taller. Although he was thin due to illness, his eyes were clear and his back was straight.

Zhao Er and the others have big hands and feet, short and thick fingers, and are not tall, about 1.6 meters tall. The tallest brother Zheng is less than 1.7 meters, and they always move with panic, The back never seems to be straight.

Ye Zhou sighed a little. Classes in ancient times were not only the difference of status.

In modern times, even if the family conditions are not good, as long as you can read and know how to read, you can stand on a higher starting point as long as you are admitted to a university.

Even if the grades are not good, as long as they can bear hardships and stand hard work, the salary of working on the construction site for a month is no lower than that of ordinary white-collar workers.

Everyone has the opportunity to change their destiny and their own class. Even if they do not change, they will not think that they are inferior to the rich and inferior.

But here, class divides people into three, six, and nine classes. The upper class are born with food, clothing, warmth, reading and writing, and they have no motivation to change their destiny.

And the inferior people have exhausted their whole life's hard work, and it is difficult to achieve the standard of living with a surplus of food, let alone reading and writing.

They have to work hard to live, so their fingers are stubby and their feet are big and flat. What they think about most in their minds is what to eat next meal and whether they can have enough food tomorrow. They have no way to change their fate.

Once the society is in turmoil, they are the first to suffer.

Ye Zhou felt that he understood something again.

He had no straightforward sense of so-called class before.

Although the family has a little money, he never feels that he is different from his classmates who have no money at home.

They study in the same school, receive the teaching from the same teacher, do the same papers, and apply for the same volunteer.

He didn't feel that he was better than them, and he didn't have any sense of superiority brought about by family conditions.

But here, he can clearly feel the class difference, which cannot be changed by individual or family efforts.

Like a behemoth, it suppresses the working people at the bottom.

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