Chapter 64

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Chapter 64

The moment the light dissipated, the whole world seemed to change.

Zhang Yao stood blankly on the battlefield, her eyes fell on the front, but she didn't see the tide of corpses before the light came on.

The soldiers behind her were like her, not knowing what was going on.

They looked up, each pair of eyes filled with shock.

Yang Guoqin's eyes widened in disbelief on the city wall in the distance. The photon cannon only fired one shot, and there was only one shot, but this shot was enough.

The vast, seemingly endless tide of corpses disappeared under this white light.

The zombies seemed to have their necks broken and their brains destroyed at the same moment. They fell to the ground lying or lying down, and the rotting flesh on their bodies was blown away by the wind, leaving behind white bones.

They returned to their original appearance.

Yang Guoqin was holding a telescope, and he stood there blankly. The sun above his head was shining brightly at this moment, as if the world hadn't been so bright for many years.

Everyone seems to have been pressed the pause button.

They looked at the piece of land shot by the photon cannon in shock and bewilderment. All the stumps and flesh disappeared, leaving only human soldiers standing on the mottled ground.

The horrible zombies, like locusts crossing the border, just turned into bones.

I don't know who screamed, and after that scream, time finally began to flow slowly, and Yang Guoqin heard the cry.

He glanced in the direction of the cry.

It's his orderly.

The veteran who served for nearly 20 years accompanied him through mountains of corpses and seas of blood. He broke a leg and received prosthetics. He and his wife had three children, all three of whom died on the battlefield.

It seems that Yang Guoqin has never seen him cry since his youngest daughter died on the battlefield.

He is always angry, I don't know if he is angry because of the zombies, or because he promised the children to join the army back then.

"Ah--" the orderly half-kneeled on the ground, his voice was hoarse and dry, rather than crying, it was better to say that he was howling with all his strength. There were not many tears on his face, but everyone could feel his pain Mourn.

He bit his fist and curled up sobbing.

Yang Guoqin thought numbly, has the other party already become so thin? Does it look that old?

It turned out that he cried like this, with this voice.

However, after the crying, people burst into loud cheers!

"The zombies are gone!!"

"They are gone!"

The soldiers were ashamed. They shouted and hugged each other. A person cried out for pain.

There were tears in their eyes, but the corners of their mouths kept rising.

Yang Guoqin turned his head and glanced at the photon cannon.

This little thing doesn't seem to have such power at all, and the emotions of human beings have nothing to do with it. After completing its mission, the photon cannon started to store energy again.

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