Chapter 186

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Chapter 186

Because of Zhao Lei's episode, the banquet did not go on smoothly, but Ye Zhou also became more aware of the power structure in the base.

Although Zhao Qing and Zhao Lei both have the surname Zhao, they are not related by blood. Zhao Lei was the first group of people to follow Zhao Qing. In order to show his loyalty, he changed his surname to follow Zhao Qing.

At the earliest time, it is estimated that Zhao Qing did not have the current status, so the two have been sharing hardships. Under the pressure of external crises, they had to hold each other tightly.

But after Zhao Qing successfully became the top leader of the base, the contradiction between the two began to be exposed.

Zhao Qing firmly controls the dominance of the base, even if he still needs to bow his head in the face of various forces, Ye Zhou doesn't think he is completely weak, and he can give face, but those forces have long been "supported by Zhao Qing" for many years. "Under checks and balances.

As long as the forces of several parties are still there and no one dominates, Zhao Qing can sit safely in that seat.

And Zhao Qing will never let any one take the lead.

Zhao Lei has no chance of winning, at least the current Ye Zhou can see that none of the powers needs Zhao Lei, a person who gained power through violence like them, to become the new boss, and if Zhao Lei has enough force, he can directly Overthrow Zhao Qing, then he won't leave just now.

But Zhao Qing didn't want to attack Zhao Lei himself.

After all, on the surface, Zhao Lei is still his loyal supporter. The first batch of people who followed him, he would definitely kill the donkey. idea.

And other forces probably don't want to touch Zhao Lei either.

After all, with Zhao Lei here, Zhao Qing has a closer relationship with them, so they have to give up more benefits.

It is estimated that this problem has troubled Zhao Qing for a long time, so even if he knows that his actions are obvious, as long as Ye Zhou can "take the trick", no matter whether it is active or passive, whether he can see his thoughts, it will be a success.

Zhao Qing urgently needs a "third-party force" to break the base's inherent power structure and ecological model.

Ye Zhou, a rookie with someone in his hands and supplies, naturally became the most suitable candidate in his eyes.

It's best if it can be done, and it won't cause any loss to him if it can't be done.

After all, Zhao Lei's subordinates are also his, and he doesn't want to weaken his own strength. The best way is to let Zhao Lei die alone, and then safely bring those people back into his sphere of influence.

So Ye Zhou didn't think that what Zhao Qing did was obvious, no matter how obvious it was, as long as it could achieve the goal, it was a good way.

At least after the banquet, Zhao Lei will never bypass Zhao Qing to do business with Ye Zhou.

But when Chen Shu returned to her residence, she still couldn't figure it out. She didn't want to enter the house because of the smell on her body. She would rather blow the air outside to blow away the smell before going in. She and Ye Zhou stood in the corridor outside the stairs. up, watching the late-night base chat.

"So Zhao Qing wants to use us?" Chen Shu didn't understand, "How does he use us? He wants us to confront Zhao Lei, so we can avoid it? He can also point a gun to our heads and let us Do we have to fight Zhao Lei?"

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