Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

The two employees came without any daily necessities. There was a simple bathroom in Sarah's room, where she could wash her face and brush her teeth. Ye Zhou only sent her toothpaste, toothbrush, towel, and a set of children's pajamas. .

Zou Ming and Ye Zhou lived in the lounge, and they didn't need anything other than beds and toiletries.

Ye Zhou was so excited that he probably wouldn't be able to sleep until dawn. He watched Zou Ming wash up, and when Zou Ming came back from washing, Ye Zhou couldn't wait to ask: "Are you Chinese? Special forces? How did you get into the system list? "

He was curious about Zou Ming and Sarah, and even more curious about the system.

He didn't have a way to understand him before, but now he is finally "a man from the sky", and he can't wait to empty him out immediately.

Zou Ming was lying on the bed. He was wearing the light blue pajamas that Ye Zhou gave him, leaning against the head of the bed. The two buttons on the top of the pajamas were unbuttoned, and most of his chest was casually exposed. His honey-colored skin was particularly sexy under the light. Turning to look at Ye Zhou, although his tone was flat, there was absolutely no sense of indifference and strangeness: "I'm not a special soldier."

"I'm Chinese," Zou Ming said.

The smile on Ye Zhou's face suddenly widened. Zou Ming immediately felt friendly when he saw a fellow villager.

But Zou Ming quickly said again: "But in my time, the concept of country has disappeared."

Ye Zhou still had a smile on his face, and he let out a confused "ah".

With Zou Ming's explanation, Ye Zhou understood why he said that.

Zou Ming is not a special soldier. Although he considers himself a Chinese, the era he lives in is the post-apocalyptic wasteland era.

Human civilization is rapidly regressing. The earth has gone through wars and natural disasters, and the land is no longer suitable for farming. Steel is easily scrapped for various reasons.

Many areas are still shrouded in the haze of nuclear pollution.

There is less and less land that can be cultivated, and water resources are in short supply.

In Zou Ming's era, the human condition was worse than the refugees Ye Zhou came into contact with now.

The shortage of resources leads to competition, and people are either fighting or on the way to fight.

And Zou Ming obtained the system by accident, and registered voluntarily, because only the money earned through the system can be used to purchase goods circulating in the plane trading system.

After hearing this, Ye Zhou was shocked. He asked a little embarrassedly: "Should we not be in the same plane?"

Zou Ming: "No."

Ye Zhou was relieved. In his world, he's still a bit overwhelmed.

After chatting for so long, Ye Zhou looked at the time, and it was already past four o'clock in the morning.

He said to Zou Ming: "I'm sorry, I've been dragging you to chat for so long, go to sleep, we can get up later."

Anyway, no one here will wake him up.


Liu is holding a bag in his arms, which is full of rations prepared for him by the immortal. He cannot go out to meet the bandits Huang because he is now holding a job given by the immortal, and he has to listen to Wu Yan when he goes out.

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