Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The refugees got together to eat, and they sat around together, with the hot porridge served by Cao'erniang in front of them.

Unlike the porridge stalls on the way to escape, the porridge brought out by Cao'erniang was thick, every grain of rice was boiled, and there was a layer of light yellow flake-like stuff sprinkled on the porridge.

Seeing that they were afraid to eat with their bowls, Cao Erniang explained: "The fairy said that you must nourish your stomach, and you can eat oily meat after you have nourished it. This porridge is sprinkled with dried meat floss, which is made of meat, so that you can eat it." Taste the meat."

She swallowed: "It's a good thing."

Cao'er Niang stuffed a strange bottle to Wu Yan's wife, and she raised her chin: "It's no better than human milk for children. Poor."

The woman took the bottle in a daze, there was a white nipple on the top of the bottle, she reached out to touch it, it was soft.

Cao Erniang said impatiently: "You can just put it in your child's mouth, he can eat it by himself."

The woman didn't dare to move, she held the feeding bottle like some precious and rare treasure.

Caoerniang couldn't stand it anymore, she "snatched" the feeding bottle from the woman, and stuffed it into the mouth of the baby in her arms.

Babies don't need to be taught to suck, they start sucking hard as soon as their mouth touches the nipple.

Cao Erniang was stunned for a moment.

Such a young child knows that he has to work hard to survive.

The refugees were eating outside, and Ye Zhou was looking for a change of clothes for them in the supermarket. After the refugees had finished eating, they had to take a shower and shave their heads. He also had to tidy up the warehouse. Forget about warehouses.

Although there is now a thin layer of dust on the floor of the warehouse, it can be cleaned after mopping, and people can sleep after laying brown mats and quilts.

Fortunately, he opened a large supermarket. If it was a small supermarket, with so many people coming, the stock would have to be emptied just to eat and drink.

By the time Ye Zhou finished his work, the refugees who had eaten had already sat outside for a while.

Ye Zhou stood at the door and winked at Caoerniang.

Cao'er Niang walked up with a smile on her face. She lowered her head and bowed her waist, her posture was pious and respectful. Her voice was originally loud. Before, she was unable to speak because of hunger. Now that she is better, she speaks like thunder.

"Master Immortal, please order."

Ye Zhou was already used to her voice, not only used to it, but also found it kind.

His second aunt also had the same voice. She looked fierce, but she was actually a nice person. Every time he went back to his hometown, his second aunt would buy toys for him and cook him his favorite dishes.

He is homesick.

I used to work outside and didn't think much about not going home for a whole year, probably because I knew I could go back anytime.

He had only been here for more than ten days, and he began to miss home.

Ye Zhou whispered, "Take them to wash up. I've put the clothes in the security room. You have to change your clothes before going to the supermarket. Do you understand?"

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