Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

    "What did the immortal tell you?" Gao Sheng watched his cousin come out of the supermarket, and he couldn't wait to go up to him, wanting to go in and see the new world.

    The glass door at the entrance of the supermarket has already amazed him.

    Goldman Sachs has seen colored glaze before, but colored glaze can never be completely clear when fired, let alone this kind of almost transparent "glass".

    Cao'erniang also told him that this is tempered glass, not to mention fists, even if it is chopped with a knife and axe, it will only produce cracks and will not shatter.

    Goldman Sachs thought he was well-informed at first, but he didn't expect to see the utensils of immortals in this remote and remote village.

    "The Immortal said..." Lin You's eyes were red and swollen, but the corners of his mouth could not stop rising. He said incoherently, "The Immortal, the Immortal not only exchanged food! He also gave me grain seeds, so that the refugees can cultivate and recuperate." "

    Ten Stone!" Lin You suddenly shouted loudly, "Ten stone per mu!"

    Gao Sheng was also stunned, although he had never worked in the field, he had to learn while studying, which was related to the national economy and the people's livelihood.

    If a certain place or a certain land produced more than three stones per mu that year, the local officials would submit it to the emperor's case. This is the emperor's merit.

    But ten stones?

    Even in the most absurd dreams of the agricultural officials, I am afraid that this output has never been produced.

    Not only Goldman Sachs, but also the guards guarding the carriage looked at Lin You.

    Lin You could no longer notice the sight of these people, and he continued: "It's fairy food! It must be fairy food!"

    Gao Sheng was shocked, his eyes lit up, and he said to Lin You: "Let them move the things in! "

    Lin You also reacted, and he said to the guards: "You go, move your things in."

    The guards were not very brave, they stood where they were, and none of them wanted to take the lead.

    Seeing that no one was moving, Lin You picked up a box of things by himself and walked towards the supermarket with difficulty.

    He didn't look back, but he knew in his heart that they would definitely follow him.

    Even Goldman Sachs moved a case in himself.

    Seeing that the two young masters had gone in, the guards mustered up their courage and carried wooden boxes one by one.

    These boxes are all made of solid wood—there is no synthetic wood in this era. Not only are they big, but they are also heavy. Just an empty box requires an adult man to move it.

    If it is full of things, sometimes two strong men may not be able to move it.

    They moved back and forth for nearly two hours before they finished moving everything.

    When they came this time, they not only pulled carriages and goods, but also pulled ox carts.

    Although cattle are not as fast as horses, they can pull heavier things. They are not as expensive as horses, and they can be bought with money.

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