Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The refugees' clothes were cleaned and disinfected by Cao'erniang, and Ye Zhou swept them all, earning a total of 130.

The refugees are so poor that they can't scrape any flesh. This money can't be said to be a windfall, it can only be said to be better than nothing.

After sweeping, the cloths suddenly disappeared out of thin air within half an hour.

But before Ye Zhou was surprised, the computer beeped again.

This time the computer screen is no longer the previous content, but an extra column.

Transaction column.

The column is divided into three columns: goods, buying and selling.

There is only a picture and a word in the sale. The picture is rags and clothes, with the number 130 next to it.

This is the total assets he can use.

As for buying, it is still empty.

There are a lot of things in the cargo column. Although they are not carefully classified and cannot be retrieved by themselves, they cannot slide to the bottom no matter how they slide down.

At the top are agricultural supplies and tools such as seeds, fertilizers, sickles and hoes, and agricultural products such as rice and pork are on the bottom, and daily necessities, snacks, etc. are on the bottom.

Ye Zhou skated for a while, and even saw the hot weapon.

It's just the price... It's almost sky-high, a small pistol costs 500,000!

Although he really wanted to buy a self-defense, but the account was only 130, calculated at 500,000, and he couldn't buy parts.

Ye Zhou turned around all afternoon, his purchasing power of 130 is very limited, and he doesn't plan to open up wasteland and farm here - he is here for business, if he wants to farm, he will have to wait until he really can't leave here , and replant when it has to take root.

But if a farmer comes to buy it, he can resell it.

I just don't know if there are any farmers who will farm seems unlikely.

Farming in ancient times was actually not a good thing.

The first is that there are no pesticides and there are many pests.

The second is that there is no fertilizer, and the land will only become thinner and thinner. Even if there is farmyard manure, there are only so few people in the village. After the harvest, the land will not be planted. Instead, let it recuperate by itself.

The third is the geographical location. Farmers choose arable land, it is best to be surrounded by mountains and water, and water is the source of life.

If there is a good piece of land, but there is no water source around, the farmer will not choose it, and would rather go to a place farther away with worse land.

In addition, the quality of the seeds is average, the yield of the land is not good, and there is no ability to resist risks in the event of natural disasters.

You can't get rich by farming.

And according to Cao'er's mother and daughter, even if the land yield is high, these farmers are actually still poor.

Because the tax of the imperial court is not fixed, there will be special agricultural officials in various places before the tax is collected every year. After measuring the approximate output per mu of land in the local area, the tax will be re-set.

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