Chapter 191 - 192

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Chapter 191

Base 276 does not have a planting area not because Zhao Qing is short-sighted, but because base 276 does not have its own stable water supply channel. Before Ye Zhou arrives, they can only find other bases to buy all the water in the base. If other bases cut off their water supply, base 276 will naturally fall apart without any action.

In addition to this is the technology of improving the soil. In this place where the per capita prenatal education graduates, there are only a small number of literate people. This cutting-edge technology is only in the hands of a small number of people. They will sell the good soil, but they will never sell the technology. Teach out.

What kind of human community does not exist.

As long as the resources that any community needs to establish are sufficient, it can be saved a little, but it can't be saved to the extent that people who can eat half full will starve to death.

So as soon as he heard that Ye Zhou was going to teach the people in the base the technology of improving the soil, Zhao Qing rushed to visit him.

When Ye Zhou sold water to Zhao Qing, Zhao Qing didn't show much respect-it was just a business relationship. You can't buy it from Ye Zhou, but you can still buy it from another place. Although it is a bit troublesome, it is not impossible.

But improving the soil is not a technology that can be bought with money. If the base can produce food, then there is no need to rely on plunder to maintain the operation of the base, especially now that the surrounding small bases have been robbed. Then you can only go desperately with the big base.

It may not be possible to win, even if it wins, it must be a miserable victory.

If the opposite base has the idea of ​​dragging you into the water even if I die, and pollutes the water source and soil before the base is breached, it will be even more lost.

So when Zhao Qing faced Ye Zhou this time, he finally lowered his stance. He was not soft-spoken when he praised people, and kept putting a high hat on Ye Zhou: "I have lived to this age, and I have dealt with so many people. , only you, Mr. Ye, are really like this."

Zhao Qing gave a thumbs up.

His expression was serious, as if every word came from the bottom of his heart: "This base is not a good base, and we cannot live long by plundering. I am the ruler here. Only when everyone is rich can I be rich. If there is nothing to snatch one day, I will also be pushed down."

"Mr. Ye, you must think that I am a villain." Sitting opposite Ye Zhou, Zhao Qing smiled self-deprecatingly, "I don't dare to be thick. Shamelessly said that I am a good person, good people can't do these things, so many people die in the base every day, women can't give birth to children, and few of them can raise them. This is a vicious circle, how could I not know?"

"But only in this way can we survive, and some people in the base can survive."

Zhao Qing sighed: "At least this provides them with a place to live. If they are driven out, those big bases will not accept them. These people who have no property, no resources and no technology, they can only die under the sun."

Ye Zhou just listened, Zhao Qing looked at Ye Zhou's face, and said very seriously: "Are you willing to hand over the technology of improving soil to here? It proves that you are a good person, no matter what you are for, as long as there is one person who lives because of you, you are also a god." Hearing

Zhao Qing say so much and flattering for so long, Ye Zhou's expression is not too big Change, he replied after confirming that Zhao Qing had no intention of continuing: "I have no opinion on how you manage the base, Boss Zhao. Whether you are good or bad has nothing to do with me." "Why should

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