Chapter 197 - 198

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Chapter 197

"Since you can't attack Ye Zhou, why not attack Zou Ming?" The bearded man stood in front of Zhao Qing.

There are more than 20 people standing behind him, these people can barely be regarded as Zhao Qing's confidants, they are Zhao Qing's most powerful supporters and weapons.

But Zhao Qing remained silent, his brain that had not been used for a long time finally started to turn his head, he shook his head with some effort, the heavy solid wood chair shook slightly with his movements, no one dared to look at him, even if it was difficult for Zhao Qing to stand up at this time , but the subordinates still dare not show any disrespect.

"Kill Zou Ming, how can you guarantee that Ye Zhou won't retaliate against me?" Zhao Qing leaned tiredly on the back of his chair, "He's not a good man." How can a good man

be a businessman? How dare he make a deal with him? Zhao Qing never thought that Ye Zhou was a good person, but he never thought that Ye Zhou's heart would be so deep.

Years of concessions were just to numb his vigilance.

By the time he reacted, all aspects of the base had been mastered.

These confidantes standing in front of his eyes are still willing to bow their heads to him, just because their status is stable because of his status.

Once Ye Zhou leaves and no longer supplies, will these people still listen to him obediently?

Ye Zhou's plan was not to defeat him at the time, but for a few years, even ten years, even if he left, Base 276 would still be under his control.

Thinking about it now, Zhao Qing felt his scalp go numb.

He has never seen a person like Ye Zhou. Living here, everyone feels that they have today but no tomorrow. I thought of it all.

Zhao Qing had a complicated look on his face. He hated Ye Zhou, but also admired him inevitably.

His shrewdness is on the bright side, but Ye Zhou's shrewdness is hidden behind several retreats.

Everyone knew that Zhao Qing was a smart man, but many people thought Ye Zhou was a good man.

After all, Ye Zhou never interfered with the affairs of the base, nor abused the poor. On the contrary, when he was interested, he would provide food and shelter for children without parents. In the eyes of many people, Ye Zhou was not as good as A real person, like a saint in a story.

But it was this saint who caused Zhao Qing to suffer so much that he couldn't tell.

Zhao Qing looked at the group of people with their heads down, and asked calmly: "What kind of person do you think Ye Zhou is? To be honest, I won't blame you. After leaving this door, nothing happened inside the door. It happened."

No one said anything.

Zhao Qing looked at the bearded man in the lead, the man swallowed, and he whispered: "Ye Zhou is a sinister person."

Zhao Qing smiled: "Go on."

The man looked at Zhao Qing's face cautiously, Then he said: "Buying people's hearts..."

He didn't know what to say.

It was true that although Zhao Qing hated Ye Zhou very much, Ye Zhou did not do anything to make them feel uncomfortable, but instead benefited the entire base.

Others also felt that Ye Zhou was buying people's hearts, but what's the use of buying people's hearts? Ye Zhou has so many things, does he like this base? Ten thousand steps back, even if he wanted to be the emperor, he should have done it long ago. What are you waiting for now?

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