Chapter 207 - 208

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Chapter 207

The news of the reopening of the supermarket spread throughout the streets and alleys of the base. For the base with no news, it was enough to ignite everyone's expectations and enthusiasm. It's just the idea of ​​someone who is extremely bored to kill people.

But when you see through the glass window that the small building is full of goods.

All doubts vanished in an instant.

Only children under the age of ten asked the adults curiously: "What is a supermarket?" The

adults would always take the trouble to say: "It sells things, there are food and things to play, and you will know when the supermarket opens." ."

Adults are more anxious than children.

"Now that we have water, I must buy instant noodles!"

When the supermarket was still there, residents had limited water resources and could not drink enough. How could it be used to boil water for instant noodles? No amount of consumption was wasted. , which they cannot afford to consume.

After get off work every day, many people will wait at the entrance of the supermarket-maybe it will open tonight?

"Should be able to sell clothes, I want to buy a new one."

"I don't know what to pay for, potatoes or money from the supermarket?" "

Of course it's money." Ye Zhou said to Zou Ming, "It's true that you can buy it with potatoes To get more things, after all, there is the price of the entire plane to balance, but if potatoes are really used, the currency system you have finally established will be destroyed."

Ye Zhou was lying on the sofa, holding Chocolate ice cream, he was a little more serious when he mentioned this: "I think the extra value of potatoes is nothing compared to the stability of the currency." Zou Ming looked at Ye Zhou: "I thought you would...


He didn't say everything. He had been with Ye Zhou for too long. Zou Ming knew exactly what kind of person Ye Zhou was.

Ye Zhou is calm, but not completely calm. There is a soft spot in his heart, but whatever he can, he is willing to help the poor working people at the bottom and help them pluck the wool of the system.

Just like Luoyang base, Ye Zhou sells cornmeal and collects tortillas, which makes the whole base crazily squeeze out the system.

Ye Zhou: "It took you so many years to stabilize the currency. Once I break this stability, how will you pay the residents? Potatoes? At that time, I will be making currency rules again, and I will say a piece of potato How much it is worth, the value system of the base will be over in an instant."

"You are not Zhao Qing." Ye Zhou finished eating the crispy skin first, and he returned to his relaxed look, "I won't treat you that way."

Zou Ming suddenly Standing up, Ye Zhou was taken aback by him: "What are you doing?"

Zou Ming: "I'll get you a glass of water."

After Zou Ming finished speaking, he walked towards the kitchen.

Ye Zhou was puzzled: "I'm eating ice cream, what water do I want?"

But everyone had already left, so Ye Zhou didn't force them to come back.

After waiting for a while, Zou Ming didn't bring the glass of water over. Ye Zhou threw away the ice cream packaging and walked to the kitchen.

He walked to the door and saw Zou Ming staring at the water glass in a daze.

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