Chapter 117

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Chapter 117

Sarah, who was hurt by Ye Zhou's reaction, made up her mind that she would never turn into a bat in front of Ye Zhou again in this life.

Ye Zhou could only coax Sarah after she transformed back.

After all, he himself knew that his reaction just now would definitely not make people feel good.

But he has lived to such an age, and he has never seen a bat as big as Sarah. The little bat is cute, and it is so big that it is really not cute.

"Do you want to eat chili? I'll get you a bag." Until this time, Ye Zhou regretted that he didn't know more about Sarah's preferences. "Or should I play backgammon with you?

" With eyes closed, he said desolately, "No, I know I'm ugly and scary."

Ye Zhou quickly said, "Not ugly, what's so ugly? It's just a little...a little big."

Sarah looked up Looking at Ye Zhou: "Then I'll become a bat, you hug me." "


Ye Zhou gritted his teeth cruelly: "Okay, you change, I'm sure I won't even blink my eyes.

" Whether it's true or not, Sarah's expression softened immediately, and she smiled at Ye Zhou: "No need, boss, I've always known." Ye Zhou was a little confused, and didn't understand what Sarah was talking about

. Said: "What do you know?"

Sarah: "I know you are afraid of big bats."

Ye Zhou: "..."

I haven't seen a big bat this way, how do you know?

But Sarah didn't continue to say: "Why don't I go find him at night, anyway, at night, no one looks up to the sky."

Although as a bat, she was a bit scary, but in this place with no lights and dim candles, as long as it was night, no one would notice her existence.

"Then it's hard work for you." Ye Zhou, "Observe him, but don't go to see him directly." "

I just want to know if he came to me after all, and judging by his appearance, he doesn't look like a slave. "

There are many things that people can hide, but temperament is difficult to hide. It is something in the bones. If you want to hide or get rid of it, you need a huge change in the surrounding environment and let time change.

The other party followed Wei Shang, bowed his head and wore coarse clothes, but even so, he was still more like a "master" than Wei Shang.

If such a person is really a slave, Ye Zhou will doubt his own vision.

After the two made an agreement, Sarah went outside to get a bag of turkey noodles to cook.

After eating, Sarah was ready to go.

Linzi at night is like a dead city. Many people used money to buy food, but did not buy lamp oil.

It is probably because I am used to being in the dark at night, so occasionally people's voices and walking sounds can be heard in the house, but I can't see the fire.

Sarah went out from behind, turned into a bat and flew to the roof, and then flew towards the post shop where Wei Shang stayed.

The post shop was full of businessmen from all over the world. It was the first time for the post shop owner to welcome so many guests, and he was so busy that he even hired more than a dozen more guys. Just like the boss, the guys shuttled around the post shop constantly.

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