Chapter 67

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Chapter 67

With Yang Guoqin as the intermediary, Ye Zhou has not directly contacted the heads of other bases face to face. He only needs to collect the money and then hand over the photon cannon to Yang Guoqin. No matter what Yang Guoqin thinks in his heart, Ye Zhou accepts his love .

Ye Zhou knew clearly that being a middleman was not an easy job, and Yang Guoqin had to face many problems and doubts.

He will leave this plane later, and the next troubles can only be faced by Yang Guoqin alone.

"I always feel that I owe him a favor." Ye Zhou came out of the bathroom. He was wearing a blue pajamas and was wiping his hair with a towel. Under the influence of Zou Ming, he now puts on and undresses in the bathroom. .

After all, we are roommates, and sometimes we still have to care about each other's needs.

Zou Ming is sorting out his personal belongings.

When he is free, apart from exercising and exercising, he just sorts out his few personal belongings.

"There is always time to pay it back." Zou Ming put down the small wooden box in his hand.

Although Ye Zhou was curious, he didn't ask him what was in the wooden box.

He glanced at it before, and felt that what Zou Ming put in the wooden box was a pocket watch, or a pendant.

It looks very delicate, and it is still as clean as new after being carried by him for so long.

Ye Zhou quickly put this little curiosity aside, sat on the edge of the bed, raised the water glass next to him and drank it in one gulp, then lay flat on the bed, opened his arms, and said very relaxedly: "Yes , There will always be a time when you can pay it back, and you can leave after receiving the last sum of money."

"Tell me, what is the Minzel Continent like?" Ye Zhou was a little excited, "The name sounds like the Magic Continent, Will there be a school of wizardry? Like in Harry Potter? Is it possible that there will be wands? And spells or something?"

Zou Ming put the wooden box in the cabinet. He glanced at Ye Zhou and could see his excitement and longing from Ye Zhou's expression. He shook his head slightly: "I don't know, I don't have any information about Minzel Continent. None of them have been there before."

After being employed in different planes for a long time, Zou Ming met many people who accepted employees like him.

Although they couldn't contact each other after returning to their original plane, they couldn't tell when they would be hired together next time.

But when they work together, they will consciously exchange information with each other to determine which planes are safe and which planes are dangerous.

After all, bosses can choose whom to hire, and they can choose whether to accept employment.

It would be too bad if the salary for the terrible job is still low.

Ye Zhou smiled and said, "I'll know if the system has a rule when the next plane jump occurs."

Zou Ming: "What rule?"

Ye Zhou looked at the ceiling: "See if there was no plane jump, You can unlock a black technology."

"Daliang Dynasty is the first plane, let's not count it, the protective cover is unlocked here, if this is the order, then go to the Minzel Continent, and something should be unlocked "

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