Chapter 155

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Chapter 155

"I'm going to have worms on my body." Cao'er slumped on the chair, holding the ice cream in one hand and the spicy sticks in the other, sighing as she ate until her mouth was dripping with oil.

The surrounding farmers don't come here very often, and only occasionally come to buy salt and other condiments.

One order of business a day is already pretty good.

Sarah was sitting next to Cao'er, holding a chili-flavored lollipop in her hand, and asked curiously, "Aren't you free?"

This period of time is a good day that Sarah can't even dream of, and no one beats or scolds her. , there are all kinds of food to choose from, she has forgotten what it is like to be hungry, and the last time she was beaten seems to have been a matter of her previous life.

Now she just needs to lie down and bask in the sun every day. As a vampire, basking in the sun is an extravagant thing.

Cao'er ate the last bite of ice cream, sat up and said, "It's good to be idle for a day, but it's not good to be idle every day."

Sarah didn't quite understand, but she didn't ask any questions.

Cao'er looked into the distance. She didn't think the mountains and rivers here were beautiful. She used to live in the village, and everything she could see was mountains and rivers. Compared with the mountains, rivers, flowers and plants, she preferred the reinforced concrete seen in the Luoyang base, and the trees were more beautiful. taller house.

It is not unusual to see too many things in the end.

"Someone is coming," Sarah said suddenly.

Cao'er was taken aback for a moment, and immediately followed Sarah's gaze - she didn't see anything.

But Cao'er didn't feel that Sarah was lying. She stood up and asked, "How far is it? How long will it take for them to arrive? Is there a lot of people? Have you ever been to a supermarket before?"

Sarah was used to Cao'er's trust, she said slowly: "There are more than 30 people who have never been to a supermarket before, and they have a carriage, so they should be rich people."

Cao'er became excited: "Okay! Rich people Good people!"

Supermarkets never cheat the poor, the poor really have nothing to cheat, even if they want to cheat, they have no money.

What's more, the immortal has a soft heart, and he still thinks about the business of the poor before doing business.

"I'll call Brother Zou and the others." Cao'er threw the rubbish in the trash can, and told Sarah before leaving, "Be careful." Sarah nodded,

she squinted her eyes and continued to look into the distance .

It turned out that they were all human races, and there was no other race in it.

It is estimated that they are people from the towns of the human race.

Sarah looked away quickly. She was not interested in people now, and she preferred to study the things in the supermarket than people.

But she is still not good at dealing with people, except for Cao'er, she only likes to talk to Ye Zhou.

Ye Zhou sometimes felt that Sarah might be a bit of a fledgling. He saved her, and what she saw when she was free was her own face, so she instinctively told her that he was a safe existence without threat.

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