Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

For a moment, Ye Zhou felt that he was dead, his soul was floating in the air, and what was left on the ground was just an empty skin.

However, he is still alive and well, he didn't die, and he didn't become a fairy.

"I'm full." Sarah broke the dead silence.

Ye Zhou also carefully observed the expressions of Sarah and Zou Ming from the corner of his eye.

Fortunately, neither of these two showed any expressions of curiosity or contempt, which made Ye Zhou heave a sigh of relief.

Although he didn't take the initiative to ask his employees to call him a fairy, but he did not refute or correct him in order to maintain his personality. If others don't know his "difficulties", they will definitely feel that he is a pervert.

No matter what they thought in their hearts, at least they didn't show it on their faces. Ye Zhou could only numbly pretend that he didn't know.

"They are all new recruits." Ye Zhou could hear his own voice, "You get along well."

After speaking, he "floated" to the lounge.

Now he just wants to get into the quilt and cover his head with the quilt like an ostrich.

Just when he was about to "float" into the lounge, someone suddenly grabbed his wrist. The hand holding him was thin and powerful, with well-defined joints. Ye Zhou pressed his forehead against the door, and said in a muffled voice. Said: "Laugh if you want to laugh."

He broke the can, what happened to him being a pervert!

As long as he is not embarrassed, the one who is embarrassed is someone else!

"You are right." The expected ridicule did not come, but calmly comforted, "You have no force, you must find a way to protect yourself." Zou Ming's tone was very steady, as if he was born without emotional ups and downs,

but he comforted him. It's very convincing when it's human.

Ye Zhou liked to hear these words, he felt that Zou Ming's every word touched his heart.

Ye Zhou turned his head to look at Zou Ming's face, and found this face to be unbelievably pleasing to the eye.

Ye Zhou unilaterally announced that Zou Ming is his bosom friend!

Ye Zhou quickly said: "That's it. You don't know that when I first came, I couldn't see a single person, and there were all refugees outside. I had to protect myself first, but I didn't have a gun, so I could only think of a way to play tricks. Now that you're here, I can breathe a sigh of relief."

"You go in first, I'll get you some snacks." Ye Zhou beamed, "Do you want beer?"

Zou Ming shook his head slightly.

Ye Zhou: "Then I'll mix two cups of milk tea."

There is only instant milk tea, but the taste of instant milk tea is also good, and there are small ingredients in cans in the supermarket, so you can put them as you like.

"By the way, go and ask Sarah if she wants it." Ye Zhou said to Zou Ming before leaving.

He chatted with Zou Ming most of the night last night, but he didn't ask Sarah anything.

Although he still had a bit of disbelief and vigilance about Sarah's vampire status, curiosity also accounted for most of it.

When Ye Zhou got up this morning, he turned on the computer and rechecked the contract - the employee was indeed Sarah.

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