Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

    The two standing in front of Ye Zhou were thin and thin. Although they were soldiers, they didn't look like soldiers in peacetime except for their clothes. , at least not as strong as Chen Shu and Zou Ming.

    There was a deep lifelessness in their eyes, as if they were no longer alive.

    Ye Zhou was a little worried. He was worried that in such an extreme environment, no one would want to do "business" with him. What if he came to Ming to grab it?

    Just a few people in the store can't keep it!

    He has few options, either buy weapons or hire people.

    In the former case, the employees in his shop have not been exposed to hot weapons, and they need time to learn and train.

    But Ye Zhou still had to beware of their malicious intentions. Although the possibility was very small, Ye Zhou felt that it was better to be cautious. He had only one life, and there was only one way back.

    As for the latter...

    It seems to be more dangerous than the employees. Ye Zhou has no idea whether the hired employees are good or bad.

    If the other party didn't kill him and drove him out of the supermarket, then even if he wasn't dead, he was dead.

    Ye Zhou let out a breath slowly, trying to make himself look serious. He stared into the woman's eyes, and said with a slightly tough attitude: "You have two minutes to explain the situation to me." The

    woman originally had a lot of questions, but Hearing this sentence, she immediately recalled their current situation, so she made a long story short: "The zombies have been attacking the city for almost three months, and the supplies in the rear have also been cut off. We have guns, but no bullets, medicines, or grenades. Things, the tank can be driven, but the shells are gone, and the target is too big, and the movement is too big, and it will set a target when it is driven."

    "Our base is on the only way to the rear. If the base is breached, the zombies will go down the river, and the rear may not be able to defend." The woman's order is very clear: "

    We need bullets and medicine "

    Ye Zhou asked her: "Can you be the master?"

    The woman was stunned, she probably couldn't be the master, although she was in the vanguard camp, but the vanguard camp was just an assault gun, not a gunman, they themselves It is a weapon, how should the weapon be mastered?

    But now, the woman can only bite the bullet and say: "I can!"

    Ye Zhou nodded slightly: "I have bullets and medicine, but I can't give them to you for nothing." "

    I need you to exchange them with something of equivalent value. "

    The two suddenly raised their heads and looked at Ye Zhou in disbelief, but soon bowed their heads in disbelief.

    How much ammunition can such a supermarket store?

    Compared with the zombie tide, it is simply a drop in the bucket.

    The man asked: "What is the equivalent?"

    Ye Zhou: "Gold, silver and jewelry should be of little value to you. I don't want those things, at least not now." "

    Boss, we sent the things." The voices of Wu Yan and others came. They had been beaten before they came, and they couldn't be called Immortal Ye Zhou when outsiders were around.

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