Chapter 59

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Chapter 59

Nervous, Ye Zhou felt only nervous now.

He even stood up holding the gun.

The moment he stood up, the zombie he aimed at crashed to the ground.

It fell to the ground without any struggle.

Ye Zhou's heart was beating non-stop in his chest, he took a deep breath, and a smile slowly appeared on his face.

"It hit!" Ye Zhou's eyes were full of ecstasy, he turned to look at Chen Shu, "It really hit!"

He was like a child who just got a new toy, unable to restrain his inner excitement.

But he still remembered to keep his voice down.

Chen Shu also seemed a little surprised. She looked at Ye Zhou silently for a few seconds, and had to admit that some people are born with certain talents.

"Boss, do you want to learn from me seriously?" Chen Shu asked, "I'll take you as an apprentice." Ye Zhou

blinked. A champion of all shooting competitions wants to be his teacher. How can he refuse such a good thing?

"Then I'll call you Master from now on? Or Teacher?" Ye Zhou asked.

Chen Shu waved his hand: "You don't need to be so formal, you still call me Chen Shu, I'll be awkward if you call me teacher."

Ye Zhou: "That seems disrespectful."

Chen Shu: "Oh, respect is just in your heart, you don't need to say it out. "

The other party really didn't want to call her a teacher, so Ye Zhou didn't insist anymore: "That's fine, but I have to pay the tuition fee. I can't let you work for nothing. How much is appropriate every month?" Chen Shu: "

Two Come on, just make a point, I'm not here for money anyway."

The master and apprentice quickly negotiated the price and teaching practice. During this period of time, they taught when they came out to deal with zombies every morning, and they still focused on their own work when they were in the supermarket.

However, since the two of them together now only have one sniper, Chen Shu's sniper is still a sniper, which can only be loaded with one bullet at a time, so Chen Shu will be the main force for the ambush this morning.

The bolt shot is more powerful than the burst shot, but the efficiency is also low.

But Ye Zhou couldn't see the inefficiency in Chen Shu's body. She returned to the seat where Ye Zhou was lying on her stomach at the beginning, aimed and shot, the reloading speed was very fast, and the shooting angle was very accurate. She didn't even need to look down to reload the bullet. It has become her instinct.

Each shot can penetrate a zombie's head.

Even if there were soldiers nearby, Chen Shu would never miss one of his own.

The more Ye Zhou looked at it, the more handsome he felt that Chen Shu was.

No wonder Chen Shu was even more handsome before.

Now he felt the same way.

After the zombies in front were dealt with, Chen Shu said to Ye Zhou: "I remember Yang Guoqin sent a lot of snipes? There are also bolt snipers in it. You can practice bolt snipers with me first. It's powerful. If you shoot consecutive snipes, you can practice later. Those guns that came here are actually not very good, if you see a sniper in the system, you can call me, and I will help you find out which one is suitable for you." Ye Zhou sighed: "I'll use the one brought by

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