Chapter 174

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Chapter 174

In the early morning, the sun had just risen, and the people in the base came out of the house one after another. This was a rare time of the day for them to go out for activities, but even so, they did not dare to go far, and could only walk around.

People in the slums are not so leisurely. They have been busy all night, and now is the time to deal with "dirty".

The barely strong man dragged the unusable "commodity" out of the base, dug a hole at random, and the "commodity"'s hand was still exposed, and he left without looking back.

Inside the tin house, a young boy got up from the ground, his hair was messy, and his clothes couldn't cover his whole body.

His face was covered in black dust, no one could see his face clearly, but the first thing he did when he got up was not to wipe his face, but to put another layer of dust on his face. There is no mirror here, so he can only Try your best to smear all over your face without revealing an inch of clean skin.

The boy pushed open the crumbling wooden door of the iron house, bent over cautiously, trying not to be noticed by anyone.

The people who were in a hurry did not pay attention to this little bastard who was so thin as a bone and with a dirty face on his face. They were busy cleaning up the "gold selling cave" for this night.

The goods that were released from the cage yesterday were locked back again. The boy walked past the cage, but he didn't even look at the goods in the cage, and the goods didn't look at him. There were footsteps in his ears, but it seemed to be quiet. Quietly.

It was so quiet that I could hear the breathing of others.

The boy walked into a small room, his hands clenched into fists, and he stood on tiptoes and raised his hands until he came to the cabinet, and then spread his palms.

He had a broken watch in his hand, the outer glass cover had cracks like spider webs, but the hands inside were still turning tenaciously.

The man sitting behind the counter took the watch from him, looked at it carefully, and without asking where the watch came from, he picked up a water bottle from under the counter expressionlessly, the boy's eyes brightened a lot, and he didn't even blink. Stare at the water bottle without blinking.

As usual, the man unscrewed the bottle cap, poured a bottle of water, and handed it to the boy impatiently.

The boy drank it in one gulp without hesitation, returned the bottle cap and went out.

After solving the water, he also needs to solve the food.

He went to another room. This time he had nothing to exchange. As soon as he entered the room, someone gave him a wooden box, which contained milky white paste. He didn't need anyone to tell him. The boy walked out of the room with ease. , walked to the side of the cage.

After dipping his hands in the ointment, the boy passed his arm through the gap in the iron cage, and applied the ointment to the "cargo"'s wound.

Only a child his age could put his hand through such a thin gap.

The owners of these "goods" never released them during the day.

I let it go before, but two of them ran away. Although I knew that those two would die if they ran out, the owner felt that he was at a loss, so he never let it go. He would rather the goods die under his nose than let them die in the Where he can't see.

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