Chapter 149

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Chapter 149

"Tell me, how do you wrestle to lose a piece of meat?!" Ye Zhou stood in front of Zou Ming, who laughed out of anger, his voice trembling.

One of Zou Ming's arms was bandaged, and Zhou Yuanhe had already treated it for him.

Probably Ye Zhou reacted too much. Except for Zou Ming, everyone left the lounge silently, and even Sarah was forcibly taken out.

Ye Zhou looked down at Zou Ming who was sitting, and the two looked at each other. Ye Zhou tried his best to restrain his temper, and said softly: "Speak."

Zou Ming: "I just didn't pay attention."

Before Ye Zhou continued to get angry, Zou Ming said "It was a mistake. Taking Sarah with me distracted me."

Zou Ming said calmly: "Now she has no ability or experience. She can't do anything but hold me back. After all, the Duke is her mother. Her hesitation is fatal."

Ye Zhou was silent for a moment, he took a deep breath and moved a chair from the side, he sat down next to Zou Ming, grabbed Zou Ming's hand, with a peaceful expression down.

"I wasn't considerate enough." Ye Zhou looked at Zou Ming's side face, "I apologize for my problem."

But Zou Ming said, "It's not a big deal."

Ye Zhou: "There's a piece of meat missing. Is it not a big deal?"

Zou Ming turned his head, eyes met, Zou Ming's lips parted slightly, Ye Zhou looked at him expectantly, waiting to hear his next words.

But Zou Ming's mouth, which had already opened, closed again.

Ye Zhou: "..."

"What happened? You can always talk about it, right?"

"Sarah was so scared." Zou Ming looked out of the window and said softly, "I asked her to hide somewhere, but she didn't move."

Ye Zhou couldn't imagine the scene at that time, even if the current Sarah is not the one who can take care of herself Sarah, but she has lived among vampires since she was a child, what kind of picture can scare her?

"The Duke is no longer human." Zou Ming recalled the scene at that time, and even he was stunned for a moment.

Rather than saying it was the Duke, it was better to say it was a movable ball of meat or a sarcoma. The silver bullet still hit the Duke in the heart, but she didn't die immediately, but sucked human blood with her remaining breath.

Although it can maintain life, it cannot maintain its appearance.

Her body automatically discarded all energy-consuming but unnecessary organs.

For example, the hands, feet, and facial features, where it can barely be seen that it is the head, there are only a pair of retracted ears and a slit-like mouth.

Most of her body was buried in the soil, even the skin was discarded.

She turned into a disgusting monster.

But even so, the vampire's amazing vitality still allowed her to attack Zou Ming and Sarah.

Her sanity is clear, she knows that Sarah is her daughter, and she also knows that Sarah is easier to deal with.

So the first thing she has to deal with is Sarah.

"I got injured when I saved her." Zou Ming looked at his arm.

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