Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

After getting along for a period of time, Ye Zhou has a better understanding of the origins of Zou Ming and Sarah.

The era Sarah lived in was similar to the Middle Ages in the west of the earth. She was the youngest child in the family, and probably also the weakest one. Although she was a vampire, her behavior habits were no different from humans.

There is a four-hundred-year-old soul living in a small body, and sometimes speaking and doing things will make people feel strangely inconsistent.

As for Zou Ming, he has a reticent and rebellious face, but he is very gentle.

But what is strange is that the employees are willing to get close to Sarah as a "monster".

But he doesn't want to get close to the human Zou Ming.

In order not to make Zou Ming feel isolated, Ye Zhou could only say a few unnutritious words to Zou Ming from time to time.

"Your land can't be cultivated anymore?" Ye Zhou chatted with Zou Ming in the lounge.

They were sitting on the sofa with brewed green tea and snacks on the table. Ye Zhou asked, "Then human beings are not extinct yet?"

Land and water are the foundation of human existence.

Ye Zhou couldn't imagine what would happen if the land couldn't be cultivated.

Zou Ming held an orange in his hand, and he peeled off the outer skin. The overbearing fragrance and slightly sour taste of the orange overcame the fragrance of the tea and filled the room.

He said calmly: "A few lands that are not polluted are fine."

Ye Zhou: "Where you live is there such land?"

Zou Ming hesitated for a moment, then shook his head slightly.

Ye Zhou had already realized something, but the thought flashed by, and he still asked his own question: "Then what did you live on before you got the employment system?"

"I was born at the A35 base." Zou Ming divided the peeled orange into two halves, and handed half to Ye Zhou.

Ye Zhou subconsciously caught it: "Thank you."

Zou Ming continued: "There is no soil that can be planted in the A35 base, but there is water."

Ye Zhou: "You can exchange water with others."

Zou Ming shook his head, he saw Glancing at Ye Zhou, there was neither sadness nor joy in the dark pupils, like a bottomless dry well: "Where there is no order and rules, no one wants to do business."

Ye Zhou: "... by robbing?"

Zou Ming nod.

Zou Ming twitched the corner of his mouth, revealing a plausible smile.

Ye Zhou didn't continue to chat about this issue, he asked in a low voice: "Do you want to order other fruits?"

Zou Ming nodded slightly: "Anything is fine."

Ye Zhou walked out of the lounge.

He has seen a lot of movies and literary works, and the movies about the wasteland are also cruel and dark. When there are only a few resources left, human beings will inevitably fall into endless struggles in order to survive.

The premise of collaborative cooperation is that resources can meet the needs of most people.

The wasteland era obviously cannot meet this premise.

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