Chapter 1 The Beginning.

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I do not own Vampire knights or get paid for it. I am just writing my own story with it. The first few chapters will be like the manga, then it will change. So please hang in there. It's worth the wait. Also please review. I like to know what your thinking about the chapters. This was the first ever fanfiction i wrote.

Chapter 1 The Beginning.

Yuki has been sitting next to Kaname's frozen body, for at least two months now. All she can do is sit, stare and cry. She keeps thinking about. What took place. How he gave up his life. How he gave up their relationship, and all they had. She loved Kamane dearly. The last night they had together. Replayed in her mind over and over. She kept thinking after, they shared that special moment together. How could he just go away like that? Didn't he love her as she loved him? Like she thought. He did? She knew what he did, was very important. To keep the hunters able to control, and kill the vampires. Still, in her heart, there was an empty lonely feeling. "I will bring him back one day. One day to a human form. I will let him experience, being human and happy. Like I did." She said, in her mind. Once they would figure out how. She would give her heart to bring him back.

Zero would visit every day. Watching her sit there falling apart. His heart ripped in two. He loved her with every fiber of his being. He swore to himself. He would never let her go again. "How can she sit there? Just give up like that?" He said. To himself. Is she going to just die like him? I can't let that happen. Zero knew. How much she loved Kamane, but with him gone. He felt a calm over himself. "I can finally have the chance without his interference." He thought. I know. It would take time, but I can live with that. Plus before Kamane gave his heart to the furnace, he told Yuki and Zero. That he wished, they would be together. That he saw the love, they had forever other. He knew that Zero would take care of Yuki. Just like he would. He knew. She was safe.

Zero walked into the room, looking at Yuki sitting there. Tears running down her face. Sad, and very upset. "Yuki. Can I please talk to you for a moment?" He asks. She turned around and sniffed her nose. "Sure Zero." She answers." Yuki. I know you're very upset. I know your hurt. I understand that, But you can't just sit here, and whither away. "Zero, please. I just can't be anywhere else. Right now." Yuki says. Tears still filling her eyes. "Its been over 2 months now."Zero replies. You need to get out of here a bit. Just forget a little. All of a sudden, a surge came over Yuki. While Zero was standing there. She was so hungry. Her throat was parched and dry. She needed him, like never before! She just lunged at him. Knocking him over, into the wall. Down they both went. Yuki's Fangs sank into Zeros soft white pale neck. "Yuki! What are you doing?" Asked Zero. When she grabbed him, putting her arms around him. Sucking his blood, like she hasn't eaten in years. Ok, Yuki. Take as much as you need. All of a sudden , Zero Felt two heart beats. So did Yuki. She let go of his neck. Tears streaming down her face again. Holding him ever so tight. His arms wrapped around her. "Yuki... You're pregnant?" Zero asks quietly "Yes." She replies. Its why. I have been sitting here, just thinking about everything. How could, he just leave me and our baby!" The hurt in her eyes evident. Zero felt her hurt and confusion. He put his arms tighter around her. Her head laid on his chest. Her arms just as tight around him. "Yuki. I must tell you something. I just want you to listen. I made up my mind. I'm not letting you go this time. NO, matter what! I know your hurt, upset, and confused. I totally understand it all. I want to be here for you. I want to be with you." Zero Confesses. Yuki just looks up at him. Tears rolling down her face. His white crisp shirt soaked with tears. "Zero." she says... "How?...Aren't you mad at me? I feel so ashamed." "How can I ever be mad at you Yuki?" He answered "I know you loved and love Kamane. What you two shared was special. I get that. I'm not mad at you. I just want you to give me a chance. The chance I should have taken before. I never told you. How I felt. I let you leave with him. I said things. I really didn't mean. I was hurt and confused myself. But the year apart, I missed you. I longed for you. I don't want to do that again. I know you have feelings for me as well. Please give us a chance." Zero Asks. "Zero my feelings are so over the place right now. I can't give you my full love, at the moment. I'm not sure when either. My heart hurts. I am even carrying his baby. Can you except that? Can you raise his child? Not hate it. Not see him in it?" Yuki says. "Yuki. Look I love you. This baby will be part of you, as well as him. I can except that. It's not a problem for me. I also know. It will take time for you to love me. The way I love you, because of the pain you feel right now. We can grow. I can help let the pain go away." Zero Responds

"I need time to think Zero." She says. Looking down at the floor. "I know you mean well. I missed and longed for you also, while I was away that year. I so very much want to be with you. I tried not to think about you. To just let things grow with me and Kamane. It took me a day before it all ended. To make love with him, and to think we had no chance. I let go and he...He did that to me. He left me." She cries " Yuki. I am so sorry. It was a lot of my own fault as well. I always keep my feelings hidden...buried. How can I hold it against you? When you didn't know. How I truly felt." Zero Admits. "I am still a pureblood vampire Zero. That's not going to change either. I am. What I am. It hurt me a lot, that I accepted you. Human..vampire or whatever  you would be. When you heard about me, you pushed me away. Hated me." Yuki States. "Ohh Yuki" Zero cries "I am so sorry. I know you did. It just hurt...and I was confused, as you are now. I still hate vampires, and pure bloods. I have come to accept what you are." Zero replies. "Just like you accepted me. I know. Its a little late. I hope you can forgive me. I never really hated you either. You know? It was just being so upset. I said things. I didn't mean." Zero Comments." I know. I still need time Zero. I'm not saying no. I am just saying. I need time."Yuki responds. "Ok. It's better then no any day." Zero replies with a smile on his face. Looking deeply into Yuki's eyes. I missed this." says Zero "Me too " Yuki replies. Yuki's cold sad heart started to warm just a bit. Just being near Zero. It felt familiar and safe.

They leave the room where Kamane laid to rest. Finally Zero got Yuki away from the cold dreaded room. Yuki didn't want to go back to the mansion her and Kamane shared just yet. She asked Zero if he would take her back to Cross Academy. Back to were, she felt safe. Back to her old room. Zero did as Yuki asked without any questions. She stayed close to Zero, the whole way back to the Academy. It made Zero feel he had a good chance, of being with her. He knew. If he could make her feel safe, and like she use to. Before Kamane took her away. Things had a good chance of going back. They had a chance of growing from where it use to be.

He took her to her room. Making sure, they were very quiet. Not wanting to wake headmaster Kaien. Yuki wasn't up to being around him, and his cheerfulness just yet. It was the first time, in two and a half months. She left Kaname's side. Zero stood by her bedroom door, as Yuki walked into her room. "Zero," she asks "Will you please stay." Zero's eyes shimmering, as he stood there in shock. "Yuki? He asks. Are you sure?" "Zero I just want you to hold me, please. You make me feel safe. Just lay next to me." Zero nods. walking over to her. Putting his arms around her. Her head on his chest. Hearing his heartbeat. Feeling his warm hands around her back. His chin resting on her head. "Zero" She cries. "I don't feel so alone anymore. I am still scared, and hurt, but not as alone. Thank you Zero." Yuki says. "Yuki. I am so glad you're feeling that way. I am here for you. I am here for the baby. Please, know that. Come let's lie down. You need some rest." Zero responds. There laid a twin size bed, for both of them to sleep in. Yuki crawled in first, moving to the side. Patting the bed. Telling Zero to come in. Zero slides in next to Yuki. She put her head on his chest, and arms around his waist. He also put his arms around her. His chin rested again on her head. He lightly kissed the top of her head. Taking in her scent. It drove him crazy inside, but he knew. He had to control it. It wasn't time to ask for blood or anything else at this time. Take it slow. He said to himself. Don't rush, or scare her off. He lightly grabbed the blanket, pulling it up over them both. Telling her to get some sleep. Happy just laying with her close to him. He yearned for this for so long. She said goodnight. Closing her eyes. Feeling warm and safe inside. Knowing that whenever she was with Zero. Nothing bad would happen to her.

Review please :)) Let me know what you think? The next few chapters will be different then the manga.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now