Chapter 95 Emotions Take over

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Chapter 95 Emotions take over

The next day comes. Zero watches. Yuki in his arms. Her body close to his. He just kisses her head. Taking in the site before him. "Do you enjoying staring at me?" Yuki says with a smile. "Yes. More then you know. It's so nice to wake up to you like this. Naked in my arms."Zero grins. Yuki just smiles at him and kisses his lips. "It feels like this is where I belong. I fought it for so long. Now I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. " Yuki admits. "Same here. I only want to be with you." Zero states. "I can honestly say, I feel the same way." Yuki replies. They then get up and get ready to go to the Cafe. "Yuiki I would like to go to the Association today. I want to see, what they can tell us. See if they have any leads."Zero remarks. Yuki's face drops. Zero notices her reaction. "Babe you have nothing to worry about." Zero says looking into her eyes. "Zero the last time I was there, I set the place on fire. I almost killed you. Its another place, I am not very fond of. I will never forget. What I saw." Yuki admits. "I know. I am so sorry you had to deal with any of that. Or see that. I know. It was hurting. We are, I hope past that now. If last night was any indication, I hope we are moving forward." Zero asks. "Yes, We are. I want to be with you. Things just keep sending us back, to the places. I hate. Its like it's on purpose." Yuki states. " I know. You don't have to come, only if you want to. "Zero states. "I want to. I don't want you to go there alone. I think being at home, wondering whats going on. Would be worse for me." Yuki admits. "Ok. Let's go see what Yagari says." Zero states. "Ok," She says, as she kisses him on the lips. "If you start that, we might not make it out of the house." Zero grins. "I think we can save it for later. We need to go, see what's going on." Yuki smiles back. Zero kisses her back. They both head out of the door.

Once they get to the Association. Yuki feels a little uneasy but doesn't say anything. They head to Yagari's office. "Hey what can I help you with?" Yagari asks. "Well, we wanted to know, if you had any information about last nights bombing." Zero replies. "Well, We know it was aimed at the councilman for sure. The bomb was placed right under his table. We tried to get fingerprints, but the person isn't in the system. The place is a huge mess. The others at his table were dancing. So it seems the person knew, that it would affect him most." Yagari states. "Do you think? It's someone after his seat on the council?" Yuki asks. "Maybe, or he got himself caught up into something. Someone wanted him quiet." It's amazing. No one else died. It was pretty bad. Vampires or not. Some got pretty banged in. Hanabusa threw himself on his wife. He took the blast. He needed blood fast, or there was a chance, he wasn't going to make it." Yagari states. "When we saw him, he was still walking, and with her. I didn't think. It was that bad. I would have stayed if I had known." Zero states. "It wouldn't have done much good anyway. He is better now. They had quartz of blood on site for the vampires. Who needed it. " Yagari states. "If you find out more, please let us know. We are not sure, but we think maybe Yoshiko had something to do with this." Zero admits. "Well shit, at her own wedding? Why would you blow up your own wedding? She looked quite upset about it. Plus the fingerprints were not hers. She is in the system." Yagari remarks. "It doesn't mean, she made the bomb. Someone else could have planted it there." Yuki states. "True but I doubt it. I will look into it though."Yagari states. "Thank you for your time. Sorry, last night was a mess." Zero comments. "Hey, it's fine. Nothing like a blown up night to make people come together." Yagari laughs.

As Yagari and Zero are saying there goodbyes. Yuki is drawn to Zero's old office. Its like there is a pull there. She stands outside the door. Remembering everything that took place that afternoon. Opening the door and seeing Zero with Kharis. Her naked body on Zero's. The fire that Yuki started, almost killing Zero. The pain takes over her. Like its controlling her body. The pain from her emotions. She kneels to the floor. She starts shaking, and tears fill her eyes. No longer in control of her self. Zero comes up from behind her, to find her is like this. "Yuki? Yuki? What's the matter?" He asks. Then looking sideways at his old office. Now knowing. What she is feeling. "Babe, that's the past. I am right here with you. Only you." Zero says with Concern in his voice. Hoping this doesn't make them take steps back. When they finally are moving forward. He keeps trying to get her to talk, or even more. But Yuki doesn't. It's like something won't let her. He picks her up. Taking her home. When Zero gets home, He carries her inside. Up to the bed. He keeps trying to talk to her, but nothing. She is now just still and silent. Like a porcelain doll, Just laying there.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now