Chapter 12 Coming back to life

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Chapter 12 Coming back to life

Its been a few months. Yuki's body is slowly getting back to its normal self. She still doesn't have her full power back. That seems to be taking the longest. She Loves taking care and being with the twins They are six months old now. Growing fast. Looking more and more like Zero. Which she totally loves. Ai is now eleven years old. Yuki tries to spend as much time with her as well. Ai being in school does help though, while she is in school, Yuki Spends time with the twins. Zero never saw Yuki this happy before. She just gleams from it. Yuki loves being a mother. Zero works a lot, as now he doesn't have his partner with him. He misses that. He misses a lot of things. Happy to have their children, but at the same time. Sad to have given up what they had. Its been a long time since Zero and Yuki made love. Her sickness during pregnancy. Then two months in a coma and three months recovering. Its been about a year an half. Which for them is very long. They always were all over each other. Zero's not mad or anything about it. Knowing. She has to regain her strength. He wants her to be the strong powerful Yuki. She once was. They still always hold each other. Stay close. He knows. She loves him. She knows. He loves her.

One day when Yori is over watching the twins. Yuki is finally able to go visit Kamane. She goes to the ice coffin and sees Hanabusa. "Hi there." She says. I will give you your privacy. Before you leave Hanabusa, I would like to talk to you. I know that you and Zero are good friends, I"m very glad about that. I just ask you, that you don't tell him. I still come here. It would be best if he didn't hear it. We are doing well. I want to stay that way. Hanabusa Nods. I understand Yuki. I had. No intention of telling him anyway. I don't want to cause any problems with you two. You have had enough issues to deal with. "Thank you " Yuki says. Hanabusa leaves. She goes over to Kamane. "My dear sweet Kaname" She says. I wanted to come sooner, but things have been busy. I am trying to spend, as much time with the children as I can. Trying to make up for the lost time. Trying to heal. I do want to thank you again. For all your help. I know. You came to me. I felt you there watching over me like you always do. A tear drops onto the Ice Coffin. You helped. Save me and my babies. Thank you. Kamane. She Knew that Kamane was there, but never mentioned it to Zero, or anyone for that matter. Not wanting to bring up bad feelings, or hurt Zero. Things were tough enough. They didn't need to bring him up. Zero never mention the wolf. He didn't mention anything that took place either. Even though, he was grateful to Kamane. He also didn't want to bring him up. He wanted him out of his life. Knowing deep down that would never happen. He resented Kamane. Even though at the beginning, he said. He would be OK with it. When he first said that, he thought that with him being dead. He wouldn't have anything to worry about. That in time, it would fade away. Yuki would grow to love him. Forget about Kamane. Not knowing that his pureblood powers and love for Yuki would give him even more power to visit her, even dead. To always be there, even when Yuki stays quiet for months, even years at a time. Not mentioning him. He is still there. The part about Yuki falling in love with Zero did happen. He knew. That part was true. He knew. Her love was strong. Yes in a way. He knew. It was stronger for him, then Kamane. He still resented him, hating that every time something went wrong, Kamane would save her. Zero wanted to be the one to only save her. It was childish in a way, but Zero couldn't help himself. Its how he felt. He would hold it in though, not wanting to cause any problems as he did before. He wanted Yuk. He wanted their family. He told himself. I won't let him win. "I'm not going to give up. What I love most to you Kaname."

After Yuki gets done talking to Kamane, she goes back to the main house. She talks to Yori. Telling her if tonight, she would take care of the twins. That she will feed and put them to bed. In case they wake up for some reason if she would kindly look in on them. That she would like to spend some time with Zero and Ai. Since the twins, she hasn't gotten enough time to spend with Ai. Which makes her feel bad. So she wanted to do something special. Just Al, her and Zero. Yori says that's totally fine. She doesn't mind at all. She thinks. It's a great idea.

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