Chapter 96 What Hurts you the Most.

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Chapter 96 What hurts you most!

Kamane is a little lost for words. Not really knowing, who is behind this. He knows. His daughter isn't a true fan of Yuki's. He remembers her statement at the wedding. Yet still, he doesn't want to think. She is behind this. He knows if she is. He won't be able to save her this time. He does know. Whoever this is, knows a lot about all of them. Intimate details about there lives and relationships. He is still very upset about watching those Videos. That, someone, was watching him and Yuki make love. Not to mention, someone in the park videoing Yuki and Zero. There was no place safe. His mind raced. He also knew. That what Yuki was facing right now was painful. She would relive that moment in time. Seeing Zero cheat on her, over and over. He knew. That was a moment. She would rather forget. Just someone isn't letting her. All this ran through his mind on the way to see Yoshiko. He knew. They would be trying to be on their honeymoon. These questions, just couldn't wait. If she had something to do with this, She had to stop and get out of here.

Once at Cross, Kamane went to Yoshiko and Rens room. He knocks on there door. "Father, what brings you here?" Yoshiko asks. "I am truly sorry to bother you. I know you're going on your honeymoon. I just need to talk to you. Yoshiko if I can have a word with you in private please?" Kamane states. "Sure dad, let me get my coat." She says. Getting it and walking outside the room to head outside. "What is the matter, Father?" Yoshiko asks. " Look, last night when I asked you if you loved Ren, you said yes. It was the icing on the cake. What the hell are you planning? Did you blow up your own wedding?" Kamane hisses. "Dad, how could you think that of me? NO! OMG, really? You think I would do that?" Yoshiko asks. "I don't know. What is going on? Last night you seem to have it in for Yuki. Like you were planning something." Kamane states. "How the hell is blowing up my wedding, getting back at Yuki? Yea I was pissed last night. It was my wedding. You and she were the show. All everyone asked, was when you two were going to get married. The only thing I had planned. Was to take Ren away from her. I was going to hurt her that way. NOT murder someone at my own wedding. GeZZ thanks, dad!" " I am so sorry. Just a lot of things are going on. Besides the murder. Someone is playing with all of us then. The first attack was your wedding. Look, I want you and Ren to stay here. You need to be around people. That can protect you. Kaien, Aiko, and Yagari are here. I will let them know to keep their eye out. Someone is messing around with us. Yoshiko, please be careful." Kamane states. "Ok, dad. I will. Thank you for coming to me, and asking me before hanging me." Yoshiko states. "I love you, You're my daughter. Even if you told me you did this. I would do everything. I could to help you. I am just glad. You didn't. You wouldn't only have Yuki on you. The cops and Association would be." Kamane remarks. "I don't want any part of that stuff anymore. I am happy with Ren. No matter what, you people think. I really do love him. Dad, I want to give him the powers. Yuki gave Zero. I want him to be able to live a long time and protect himself. Do I have your blessing?" Yoshiko asks. "My dear daughter, that gift is up to you. For you to give whoever you want. If that's Ren. You have my blessing." Kamane comments. "Thank you, father." She replies

Kamane leaves cross heading back to Zero and Yuki's house. More confused. Then when he left. If it's not her, then who? Someone was watching, They knew everything. Even to send the package for him to Zero's house. They knew once Yuki would have the spell, Zero would call him. It was all part of there plan. Once there, he bangs on the door and Zero lets him in.

"Well, is it her?" Zero asks. "No, I am positive. It's not her. That makes this a big problem. Who the hell is it then?" Kamane states. "I don't know. Takuma was here. He found a few bugs. He removed them. There was one even in our bedroom." Zero comments. "Yea. Well, I'm sure. They were one in mine too. Talk about invading personal space." Kamane comments. "I agree with you on that. This person knows way too much about all of us." Zero remarks. "Yes. Their first attack was Yoshiko's and Rens wedding. They wanted to hurt them as well as the Counsel man. That was the first place. Yuki hated to go. The Ballroom. Then today at the Association. They put a spell on her. Then sending us our darling DVD'S. Kamane announces. "I could have pasted on those DVD'S. I honestly still can't get that out of my head. To think about it, was one thing. But to actually see it take place was another. I am sickened by it." Zero admits. "That's just what they wanted. To hurt you. They sent to us, what they knew would hurt us the most. How is Yuki doing? "Kamane replies. " The same. I am going to head to bed. If there are any changes, I will let you know. You can stay in your old room. it looks like we are going to be in this together. As always."Zero sighs. "Yes. I was thinking the same. I will get some sleep, before heading to the Association tomorrow." Kamane answers.

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