Chapter 58 I'm Out of here.

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Alot of Cursing! Please review without the review i don't know if this is going good or not Please let me know.

Chapter 58 I'm out of here

✕A few days later. Zero comes back to the house. Picking up some of his things. Yuki laying in bed. Her heartbroken. "Oh, sorry. I didn't think. You would be home." Zero says as he sees her, laying in bed. "Its ok." She replies. " I am just here to pick up some things. I won't be long." He answers. "Zero why are you doing this? I never pushed you away. I always made love to you. Why cheat?" Yuki asks. " I don't know. There is just this want and desire for her. I feel alive, when i am with her." He replies. "Zero i was your first and only for twenty seven years. We had a bond." Yuki says. " I guess. I didn't know any better. I don't mean to hurt you. Its just true. I want a divorce Yuki." Zero announces. Yuki's heart splits. Tears roll down her face. "You can have the house. Its yours anyway. You paid for it. I would like to see the kids on the weekends though." Zero asks. Yuki trying to control herself. How she feels. It hard for her to talk. "Sure." She says lowly. "K, good i will pick them up this weekend." He says as he grabs his bag and walks out the bedroom door. " 

Yuki just sits in bed crying, not running after him. The hurt, betrayal taking over her. Looking around the bedroom, everything there reminding her of there relationship. The phone rings and Yuki tries to answer it, tears still streaming down her face. "Hello." She says barely. "Hi, Yuki its me Kamane. I haven't heard from you in a few days. I wanted to make sure you were ok." He says. Yuki Sobbing so hard. He can't understand anything she is saying. "Yuki what is wrong? Look i'm coming over. I will be there in a few minutes. Hang tight." Kamane says. Yuki sitting on the bed Sobbing hard. Kamane making it there in record time. Letting himself in and going to the bedroom. Walking in to find her still sitting there. Sobbing hard , red cheeks eyes all swollen. Sobbing so hard, she can barely breathe. "Yuki stop you need to breathe. Come here." He puts his arms around her. Grabbing a tissue to wipe her face. "Yuki what happened?" He asks. 

"He...He...He wants a divorce. He left me." She says whimpering. "Yuki i am so sorry. I didn't see this coming. I am here, if you need me." Kamane says wrapping her closer to him. "My heart hurts Kamane. I feel like its ripping into. " She says. "I know. It hurts. It will for a while, but things will get better. " Is that bitch going to press charges, since i scared her?" Yuki asks. "No Zero and her don't want anyone to know. What really took place that day in his office. They are going to let it go. To be honest Zero was the one to tell her to not do it. He said. He hurt you enough. At least, he knew better." Kamane says. "I should have killed her." Yuki states. "Yuki, i know your hurt ,but that wouldn't of done any good. Zero would only hate you for that. Why make your self a murder because of him?" Kamane remarks. " I hate him, Kamane. He promised me. He would never leave , never betray me. I never cheated on him. I know. I did in a dream, but it was a fucking dream. I never touched you for real. I stayed away from you and controlled myself. Just so i wouldn't hurt him. Just so i could be with him. And he does this to me?" Yuki snaps. Kamane a little taken back. "Yuki calm down, Your feelings are raw right now. Your going to say a lot of things. Some you won't even mean." Kamane remarks. " I hate him." Yuki says again. Eyes glazed over. " I want you to get some rest. Lay down. I will get you some food." Kamane says. "I'm not hungry." She replies. "Ok then close your eyes. Get some rest. I'm going to lock up and make sure ZJ is tucked in bed. I will be right back." Kamane says.

Kamane going downstairs, and outside to make his phone call. "Just letting you know. You have succeeded. Everything went right on plan. She even hates him now. Which will work in our favor. How is it on your end?" Kamane asks. "It's pretty good. I still can't get over that she branded me! Even so, he fought the spell to make sure I didn't hurt her! He is still in there somewhere. He fights it, and I just have to control him more. He needs to stay away from her for this to work Kamane." Indeed Kharis. I will see what I can do. He said. He is coming here the weekend. We will see. How that goes and then I will tell her I will be here for the pickups. That way they won't see each other often. " Kamane says. "Sounds good." Kharis replies.

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